Not a secret

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"So you and your hubby had it",Khai said chuckling. "How many times do I have to say it Yes Yes we did",I responded embarrassed.Dean and Khai bursted our laughing. "Our friends not a virgin anymore!",Dean said making me roll my eyes. "You guys are so annoying",I muttered secretly wanting them to hear.I was finishing homework when Pharm,Deans boyfriend and Tines friend,Came up to us. "Hey guys Pears confessing to Tine!",Pharm said. I stood up from my seat. "What?Where?",I shouted wanting answers. "Near the law faculty.",Pharm replied and I followed him until we saw Tine and Pear.I was kinda happy when I saw Tines uninterested face.Then I heard Pear say, "So Tine will you be my boyfriend?"She was holding some chocolates probably wanting to give them to Tine. I was kind of jealous so I went up to them before Tine could say something. "Sorry he is reserved.",I said to Pear. "What do you mean reserved he has a girlfriend!",She said angrily. "Yes, I'm his boyfriend",I said confidently.Tine grabbed my arm and whispered "Your only supposed to be my fake boyfriend in front of Green!" I pulled away and looked at Pear in the eyes.

"We even had sex.",I said wanting to make her upset. She looked at Tine and then at me in shock and then she walked away. "What the fuck Sarawat she's not supposed to know I told you not to tell anyone in the note!",Tine said to me.I shrugged and Tine sighed in defeat. "Let's just hope she won't tell anyone..",Tine said as he left.

(Tine pov)
It was early in the morning when I heard a knock at the door.I groaned and got up.I opened the door and I saw Pharm. "What is it?",I asked. "You didn't see here look!",Pharm said getting out his phone.I was a little worried due to his impatience and his worried face.He showed me a post on Instagram.I saw a picture of Sarawat and me and a description that said "Sarawat and Tine are dating!They even had sex!" I looked up at Pharm. "Pear told everyone..",I said in a defeated voice.Pharm hugged me tightly in comfort.

I decided not to go to school today because I didn't want everybody to look at me in disgust.I was mad at both Pear and Sarawat.But I know Pear only did it in jealousy she did like me.I curled up in a ball on my bed with a blanket.My reputation!I wonder what Sarawat thinks on this whole situation.At least Green will back off I guess.Then I heard a knock on my door.I got up to go open it hoping it wasn't Sarawat.I saw Green at the entrance. "Time you didn't tell me your and Sarawat were dating!",Green said making me roll my eyes.I wasn't in the mood to deal with his tho so I slammed my door on him.He banged on the door calling my name but I ignored him until he went away.

The next day I had to go to school or I would start failing so I got ready and left my dorm.I tried to avoid everyone's stares as I walked down the hallways.I still couldn't believe Pear shared that post to the entire school.I walked down the hallways in shame until I saw my friends.I waved to them. "Tine what the hell!",Third yelled.I looked down. "Third don't be rude imagine what Tine is going through right now!",Pharm said putting a hand on my shoulder.Third patted my back. "Sorry bro do you want me to beat Pear up for you?",Third said.I chuckled. "With your weak spaghetti arms you can't even take on a few pigeons",I joked making Third glare at me. "I'm trying to comfort you dumbass!",Third said making me smile.At least they don't judge me. "By the way I didn't know you guys were dating",Pharm said. "We're not we just had it because I was drunk that's all.",I said rubbing my neck.

When I had to go to class I left my friends and started walking towards my class when I saw a few girls walk up to us.Oh shit really some girls from #TeamSarawatswives. "TINE HOW DARE YOU!",One of the girls said. "Yeah how dare you,you don't deserve our Sarawat maybe you should be taught a lesson on how to stick to people like you!",another girl yelled.I stepped back a bit. "Now now girls you don't really mean that right?",I said not wanting conflict.One of the girls stepped toward me and gave me a big slap on the face. "Ow! Damn you girls are stronger than you look!",I yelled trying to distract them.Then another girl came and kicked me in the no-no spot making me fall to the ground in pain.Then they started kicking me.

"Hey!",A voice yelled from behind me. "S-Sarawat We-",One girl tried saying but was cut off. "Get away from him!",Sarawat said crouching next to me.The girls ran away in embarrassment.Sarawat took my face in his both hands. "I'm so sorry",Sarawat said as he picked me up.I didn't know a bunch of girls could beat the shit out of me.Sarawat took me to the infirmary.The nurse came running up to us. "What happened?!",The nurse said helping me down from Sarawats arms.She lied me on a bed. "You may leave Sarawat",The nurse said.I saw Sarawat nod then leave.The nurse healed my injuries and told me I was  okay to leave so I went to class.

The whole time I was in class everyone kept glancing at me.I was embarrassed and uncomfortable because of all the stares I just wanted to go home.

(Sarawat pov)
It's weird how everyone is mad at Tine but is fine with me.Some girls even beat him up.I think it's quite unfair he doesn't deserve that.I want to look after him but I can't.I don't want any more rumors spread.I remember his weak and helpless face when I took him to the infirmary.Didn't know a bunch of girls could do that to him.I just want to hold him in my arms and comfort him.

A/n: Sorry for the short chapter I'm just out of ideas damn it.And thank you so much for adding my story to Your reading lists it means a lot.I love you guys ❤️

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