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"MOMMY, WHERE ARE WE GOING?" I asked my mother as she took my hand in hers, wandering through the dark woods in the middle of the night.

"Sweetie, I hope you understand why mommy is doing this," she said, crouching to my level as she caresses my face with her soft hands.

"I want you to run as fast as you can, escape from our world and live a happy life for me," My mother said. I tried holding my tears back but it was beginning to fall, "Don't cry, sweetie. I'm protecting you from the people that want to possess your powers."

"And this is the best way we can do it, I will only bring danger to you. Here," Mother presented me a necklace that has a heart-shaped pendant. It was glowing brightly like the moon that was shining blood red.

"This pendant," Mom opened the pendant and showed a picture of both of us on the right side and my father on the left, "is a memory of your family."

"Matilda," A deep voice yelled from a distance as I heard growls and rustling bushes. Then, an arrow emerges from out of nowhere, striking my mother's shoulder, "Mommy!"

"Sweetie, run!" Mother whispered to me as I embraced her tightly, she forced me away from her and turned to where the arrow came from as beasts started to emerge from the bushes.

"Willow, run now!" My mother demanded as she cast a spell, causing one of the beasts to fly back. I ran ahead as fast as I can and as far away as possible, not before I whispered, "I love you, mother."


I awakened to the sounds of moving bushes and soft growls, I stood up from where I was laying and took out my pocket knife, which was concealed in my boot.

"Come out," I ordered as the bush stopped moving, I gradually shifted closer to the bush.

"Hello," I spun around shaken at the person behind me, I pointed my blade at the figure and warned him, "What do you want?"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. I'm not here to hurt you," It was a boy about my age, noticing the claws and fangs, I surely knew he wasn't human nor a wizard.

"Then, why are you here?" I questioned, still not setting my knife back as I took a step forward.

"I just want to make friends with you," He said, coming closer to me despite the knife aimed at him.

"Well, I'm not here for friends. Get lost because I sure am leaving," I responded to him as I started making my way out of the forest. Well, attempting to make it out.

"So, where you headed?" The boy asked, trailing behind me as I studied my map out.

"None of your business," I said, taking out my compass from my pocket.

"Ah, I see, you're headed to town. Well, it's certainly not there," The boy said. I lifted my brow at him. He showed me a picture of Seabrook that belonged to me, smirking at me. It must have fallen out of my pocket when I took my compass. I rolled my eyes at him and took the picture back.

"And I suppose you know where it is?" I asked as he gave me a smirk once again and a nod, he seized my hand in his as he began to direct me on the other path.

"I'm Wyatt, by the way. And you are?" He asked me, taking a momentary glance at me as he started to walk a bit faster than my pace.

"As I said earlier, none of your business," I answered, swatting my hand away from his as I followed him through the dark forest.

"Well, I think it's only fair that I get to know your name since I told you mine. And I am your tour guide for the day, so..." The boy said as he halted in front of me. I crossed my arms and raised my brow at him, giving him a slight glare.

"Fine," I said, giving in after two minutes of just standing in the middle of nowhere, "The name's Jinx."

"Jinx? Is that your first name?" He asked as I rolled my eyes once again, "No, my first name's Ca—Willow."

"It's Willow, okay?"

"And how long will we get there?" I asked him as we started to walk once again, "Maybe an hour or so."


"And here is where we drift apart," He said as we arrived in front of the town, Seabrook.

"Finally," I exaggerated, starting to walk off but was startled to hear Wyatt call for me.

"Willow! It was nice to meet you," I rolled my eyes as I strode to town. Judging from the dark clouds starting to show from the sky, the idea of rain came to mind. So, I quickly ran to the other side of town, knowing I'll find it there.

"Ah," I groan as it started pouring, I quickly went into the abandoned building. It was the power plant that exploded years ago, and my mother told me it would be here.

"How can I even start this thing?" I asked myself, looking at a few buttons, and gave a little chuckle when I saw the 'start' lever. "Really?"

"Here goes nothing," I muttered, tugging the lever as it activated, constructing sounds, and eventually, did nothing.

"Ugh, why won't it work?" I questioned no one in particular as I started to press different kinds of buttons. Eventually, I gave up with a frustrated sigh and glared at the machine.

"Just start already," I said, slamming my fist on the engine as it started making noise once again. But thunder started grumbling, the machine began to act up, and smoke formed from it.

"Uh, no, no, no," I exclaimed as I tried pressing buttons once again but it didn't stop, it only made it worse. Another sound of thunder erupted and all I can see was a bright light surrounding me, my body feeling numb as I fell down, unconscious.

3rd person's P. O. V.

"Mr. Wells, come see," A man yelled as another man came running to his fellow worker. The worker was holding a little girl, around the age of nine, with dirt covering her body and some bruises here and there.

"Quick! Take her to the hospital," Mr. Wells demanded as his worker put the girl in Mr. Wells' car and quickly drove off to the hospital.


"How did she even survive the explosion?" Mr. Wells' wife asked, both looking worried.

"We don't know, darling. We know that she's not from around here," Mr. Wells said to his wife.

"Mr. And Mrs. Wells," The doctor called out to both of them as the two went to him.

"She is currently in good health, although the bruises and cuts might take a while to heal. Other than that, no fractures or anything was found," The doctor explained, "She can go home in the morning."

"Now, if you excuse me, I have to go," The doctor said as the two adults both looked at each other.

"Where is her home?" Mr. Wells questioned his wife. Mrs. Wells was zoning out, a light bulb came to mind.

"Dale, honey. I want to keep her..." Missy trailed off as Dale gave a confused look, "There's a feeling inside me that just wants to take care of her, you know?"

"Are you sure?" The Man asked as his wife nodded.

"I'm sure. And I'm sure little Addison would love a sister," Missy Wells said smiling very happily as she looked at the blonde girl, unconscious on her bed.

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