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Cassandra's P. O. V.
"No," I whispered, making a bolt to the building but Wyatt stopped me, "Cassandra, no!"

"I have to, Wyatt!" I argued, letting go of his grip, and quickly made a run to it. Making a force field around the explosions, but I was too late. The building collapsed, the ceiling broke apart, and was about to fall on me when I felt strong arms around me. I opened my eyes to see Zed, holding the ceiling as I locked eyes with Wyatt, who carried me bridal style and ran away from the building. As it went down, smoke emerged from it as I waited for Zed to come out.

"No, no, no," I yell in denial, I quickly run to the fallen building but was taken back into Wyatt's strong arms as I sob, "I'm sorry, Addison."

"Wow, that hurt," I heard someone say as I turn around to see Zed, holding on to his jaw. I quickly let go of Wyatt and ran to one of my best friends, engulfing him in a hug, "Zed!"

"Hey, I miss you too," He awkwardly said, surprised as I hugged him. My happiness was cut off when Willa asked, "What have they done?"

"Wyatt," I whispered, Wyatt started having a coughing fit as his eyes turned yellow. I held him in my arms as he finished coughing, slowly saying, "I'm fine, Cassie."

"You are obviously not fine, all of you," I said, the other wolves started to cough and their eyes turning yellow as their necklaces lose power. As well as my powers.

"The center of Zombie and Werewolf culture is in the rubble," Addison pointed out as she frowned, "and I still don't have a pack."


"Blankets? Anybody else that needs blankets?" I repeatedly yelled as I went over to the trio—Wyatt, Wynter, and Willa—who were also giving out blankets to the other wolves, "Here, you guys take this."

"We don't need it," Willa refused as she continued handing blankets with Wynter, I shrugged and wrapped the blanket around Wyatt.

"I'm the Great Alpha, Willa. And I order you to take care of yourself too," I ordered, turning to Wyatt's sister as she gave a small glare.

"I don't want anything to happen to anyone in this pack," I said, holding my pendant as Wyatt pat me on my shoulder, giving me a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry, we can take care of ourselves," Wynter assured as I nod, the trio leaving me to give out blankets and check on the pack. I took hold of the necklace wrapped around my neck as it glowed brightly red.

"Willa, Wyatt, Wynter!" I called out, running to where they headed as an idea popped in mind. The three looked at me confusedly as I yelled, "My powers!"

"What's with your powers?" Wynter asked as I took off the necklace and made it glow red in my palm.

"The moonstone and my powers have the same kind of energy," I informed them as both making Wyatt and Willa hopeful, "So?"

"So! It means I can give your moonstones energy for the meantime," I explained to Wynter as she brightened up and smiled, happily clapping.

"But, it's best if we give the energy to the sickest wolf," I suggested as Willa nodded, agreeing with my plan.

"Follow me, Great Alpha," She smiled as she said 'Great Alpha.' I proudly smiled at myself as Willa led me to a smaller cave where an elderly woman was lying sickly.

"Hello," I politely greeted as the woman smiled weakly at me. I came to her side and asked, "Can I know your name?"

"I'm Wanda," She answered, coughing as her eyes turned yellow. I looked at her sadly then at Willa, who mentioned to continue using her head, "Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, Ms. Wanda. I'm—" Wanda interrupted me by coughing then softly smiling, "I know who you are, Jinx."

"You are the Great Alpha," She pointed out as I nod. I smiled at her and said, "Can I hold your necklace for a minute?"

"Whatever reason do you want my necklace for?" Wanda asked me, trying to sit up. I quickly went to help her and answered, "To help you get well."

"Cassie thinks that she can give charge to our necklaces," Willa explained as Wanda looked at me for a minute then softly smiling as she slowly nodded. I smiled at her and took hold of the necklace, closing my eyes as I felt the energy in my veins slowly going to the necklace. I opened my eyes to see my palms glowing bright, the necklace turning bright red then back to its original color. Wanda's eyes glowed yellow as she howled, smiling.

"I feel stronger," Wanda said, removing the covers from her bed as I stood there, guarding her in case anything happened.

"Thank you so much," Wanda thanked me as I smiled at her, slowly losing balance as she came closer to me. My head was getting dizzy as I looked around, slowly losing my eyesight. I fell on the hard ground with a loud thud, hearing Willa and Wanda call out for me.


I slowly opened my eyes to see Wyatt on a chair, head in his palms as I turned to him. Feeling numb and tired after what happened, I tried standing up quietly but Wyatt heard me and quickly went to my side, "Rest, Cassie. We don't want to lose you."

"Especially me," He said, causing me to roll my eyes despite the pain I'm feeling. I followed what he told me and asked, "What happened?"

"Willa said you used too many energy, leaving little to yourself," Wyatt explained as he held my hand in his, I smiled at him and said, "Wyatt, I can't stay here."

"Yes, you will. We don't know what'll happen to you if you give away your energy just to recharge our necklaces," Wyatt argued at me standing up from his chair. I caress his face as I smiled at him, appreciating how much he cares for me.

"Wyatt, I have to help. I'm the Great Alpha, it's my job to take care of the pack," I said, putting my arms on his shoulders as I sat up with his help.

"I'm your boyfriend, it's my job to take care of you," He said, boring into my eyes. A smile crept on my face as he said those words, he eventually realized what he said and took a step back from me, "Um, uh, if you want us to be, that is."

"Is that even a question?" I asked, kissing him to make him stop stuttering. He had a surprised look and smiled wide at me as he kissed me back.

Miss me? I'm sorry if I haven't updated for the past few days, lol. I didn't want to end the book so soon, because im so in love with it, lmao. I hope this make it up to you guys! Vote and comment for Wolves, don't forget to follow me and stay safe! ❤️
Love you guys!

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