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Cassandra's P. O. V.
"I've always dreamed of this moment," I said, looking around the room as Wyatt led me in the middle of the dance floor, a slow song playing. Everything was perfect, the gym decorated beautifully, the students having a blast, and I'm dancing with the one and only I love.

"Oh really?" Wyatt smirked, putting his arm on my waist while the other holding mine, my other hand was on his shoulder. I rolled my eyes at him and chuckled, "Yes, I did."

"How about this?" Wyatt asked, pecking my lips then twirling me as he dipped me. I laughed at him as I noticed everyone looking at us, "They're looking, Wyatt."

"Good, because I want them to," Wyatt said, he was about to lean in but when the ground shook, causing a crack from the ground and separate me from Wyatt.

"Cassie! You're glowing!" Addison yelled, I looked at my hands to see she was right, I was glowing very brightly.

Follow the glow.

"What?" I asked no one in particular as a voice ordered me. I shrug it off and followed Eliza as she yelled, "This way!"

"You're supposed to protect your president!" Bucky yelled, causing me to roll my eyes at him as Wyatt held my hand, and together we ran to where the glowing was.

"The energy from the moonstone must've created the fault line," Zed observed the crack as I felt a surging power through my veins, making me fall to the person close to me, which is Wyatt.

"I can feel the energy of the moonstone,"
I stated, massaging my temples as Wyatt helped me stood up, "If we follow this crack, it may lead us to the moonstone."

"So it's only buried and not destroyed," Addison said, leaning to check the glowing light from the crack but the ground shakes once again.

"We have to get to it," Wynter worriedly said as I nod, jumping down to the crack, only to fall on my knees as the ground shake furiously.

"Cassie," Wyatt said, concerned. He pulled me up as Willa ran ahead of us with Wynter and the rest of the wolves, "Quickly, while we still can."

"I'm fine, let's get the moonstone," I ordered, running to the light. My glow was flickering, my energy was slowly weakening as the moonstone was too.

"The moonstone is getting weaker," I informed as we get deeper through the tunnel that leads to the precious moonstone.

"It's this way. I see the light," Willa said, taking the lead as I let Wyatt put my arm around him as we went through the tunnel at a steady pace, "It's coming from Seabrook Power."

"Here it is!" Wynter yells as we went to it, quickly attaching their necklaces to the moonstone as its glow slowly giving out.

"It's losing power," I observed as Willa's eyes went big with rage, "What? It can't run out of power!"

"I know, Willa!" I yell back at her, clearly annoyed that she was yelling at me as I think of a way to bring back it's power, "Hurry up, Cassie! Or we're gone for!"

"Touch it." The voice once again said as I ignored everyone and followed it. Putting my palm on the glowing moonstone along with my necklace as it glowed bright red, surrounding me.

"Woohoo! It's back!" Wynter exclaimed as she jumped up and down like a kid when suddenly the ground shake and bits of the ceiling started to fall off.

"We have to move it out of here," Willa said, as Wyatt smiled, suggesting, "Legend says that together, our pack can move the stone."

"All of us, lift!" I ordered as the wolves put all their paws, trying hard to lift the heavy moonstone, "It's too heavy."

"Clearly, the legend is wrong," I commented, panting as we let go of the moonstone.

"There's not enough of us," Willa said, ignoring what I said about the legend.

"Then maybe you need to expand your pack," Someone yelled from the opening of the tunnel, I turn around to see none other than my sister, Addison.

"Addison?" I call out as she went by my side, giving me a short side hug then quickly went to Willa, "We came here to help."

"Come on, everyone!" Addison yelled as everyone started to carry the moonstone but the ground shakes once again, causing the only opening to be blocked.

"Chamber's collapsed," Wyatt said, "We can't carry the moonstone through."

"Your Z-band," Eliza pointed out, mentioning Zed's wristband, "it's still broken."

"Zed, take it off. Lift the slab, I'll help," I said, coming towards him as I waited for him to remove it. He looked at it nervously, being the best friend I am, I pat him on his shoulder and said, "Okay, Zed, you can
do this."

"I'm not ready. What if I can't control it?" Zed asked, worriedly. I sighed and made a small smile, "I'll be by your side to help you."

"What if I hurt you?" He asked, worriedly. I rolled my eyes at him and mention my head at the people around us, "If you don't do this, all of us will get hurt."

"Zed, you have to," Addison said, pleadingly as Zed breathed in and out, removing his z-band. Black veins started to show from his arm as he roared loudly.

"Come on, you can do this," I used my powers to help Zed levitate the stone as the others carried the moonstone, successfully doing it.

"Zed, it's gonna fall," I yelled, Zed shook his head no as he replied, "I'm not going without you!"

Wyatt's P. O. V.

"Cassie, come on!" I yell from the other side. Cassie shook her head no, pushing Zed to me as the stone fell, crushing her, "Oh, no!"

"Cassie!" I yell, running back to the cave but was stopped by Zed, "I have to go back and save her!"

"Wyatt, wait!" Willa called out to me, pointing at the moonstone which was still glowing red, indicating that Cassie was still alive.

"Miss me?" I heard someone asked, coughing as I turned around to see Cassandra with a smirk on her face, "Cassie!"

"Don't do that again," I said, kissing her face. I parted from her lips, noticing a cut on her chin, "Are you okay?"

Cassandra's P. O. V.

"Am I okay? I feel better, stronger," I said, proudly flexing my muscles. Wyatt rolled his eyes at me as everyone laughed at my answer.

"We crushed it! We nailed it! We so rock!" Wynter yell happily as she looked at Willa, "Too much?"

"Perfect, We did it!" Willa yelled as we all smiled happily. Eliza went in front of Addison and Zed, holding her tablet, "Say 'brains.'"

"We're getting our first zombie on the Prawn wall of fame," She said as Zed smiled happily at Addison, I was surprised when I felt hands snake around my waist.

"Wyatt," I scowled him for surprising me as he and the other wolves howled, along with the zombies and cheerleaders, "Hey, you said that perfectly."

"Bonzo's got an ear for languages," Bree said, causing Wyatt to nod. I stared at Wyatt's beautiful brown eyes as he smiled at me, raising a brow, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, it's just that I love you," I said, kissing him shortly. He had a look of surprise as he said, "I'm never gonna get used to that."

"And I love you too, Cassandra," Wyatt said. "More than you could ever imagine."



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