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"BUCKY! BUCKY! BUCKY!" SOME of the crowd chime Bucky's name as I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"Zombie Strong!" Zed yelled, tumbling off a chair by Bonzo accidentally pushing him with his trombone, "Hello, everyone. My name is Zed, and I am running for president."

"Zed can't steal my spotlight. What about the whole anti-monster thingy?" Bucky whined as I glared daggers at him, rolling my eyes afterward.

"Anyone can run for president, Bucky," Addison commented as Bucky rolled his eyes, "She actually has a point, Mr. Bucky."

"You're not the only one that can run for president, Bucky," I pointed out, glaring at the Laceys beside me as he scoffed.

"A zombie president?" The three minions said in unison as they made a disgusted face, "Ew!"

"If you vote for me, I will bring you prosperity and awesomeness! As your president, I will make Seabrook a place that embraces zombies and—" Zed was cut off when he heard someone say, "Werewolves?"

"Uh, no," Zed responded as I sensed someone, I examine the space and spot them.

"Why would we want—" Zed cut himself off as he saw what the individual before was trying to say, "Werewolves!"

"There she is!" One of the wolves roared pointing at Addison beside me. People started to run away as far as they could from the wolves, shrieking in fear.

"Football team! Defense, Z 24," Zed ordered as the football team came over guarding Addison and me, but being the persistent girl I am, I ran through the boys in a combat position.

"Cassandra, no!" Zed shouted as I felt my eyes shift red and construct fire out from my palms, prepared to strike the wolves. What I didn't comprehend was that I was face to face with the boy.

"Where's the moonstone, white hair?" The dark girl, who I think their leader is, questioned Addison, coming closer to me with a glare.

"I think you've got the wrong person," Addison answered as I growled, something I do when I'm angry or out of control, causing the fires on my palm to blaze brighter as I glared at their leader.

"Wolves! On my command!" The girl said as all of their eyes gleamed yellow while their necklaces were glowing blue, "You don't want to mess with fire, wolves."

"Willa. We can't go to war with the whole town, especially if they have her. We'll never find the moonstone if they're on high alert," The boy I came face-to-face with whispered to their leader, hearing every single thing. The girl sighed and rolled her eyes, "I hate it when you're right."

"Wolves, stand down," Their glowing eyes and necklaces returned to normal, but my fighting stance didn't back down.

"Sorry. We werewolves so admire your town, and we just came here to join your school," The girl said, putting on a faked smile on her face as everyone in the room made an 'oh' sound, "What?"

"They can't join our school," I yelled, turning to face the people behind me, being the cautious person I am. I didn't trust them a single bit.

"Technically the Forbidden Forest is within the school district," Coach yelled from afar as I glared at him, turning once again at the wolves as my sister grinned wide saying, "So, welcome to Seabrook!"

"Addison," I said, dragging her afar so no one can hear us. She gave me a baffled look as I gave one of my 'really' looks.

"We can't just welcome them to town, Addison! They're dangerous," I pointed out as I glanced at the wolves, the boy from earlier staring at me with a smile. I wave him off by rolling my eyes at him.

"So what? We have you! You can just put a jinx on them, and we'll—" I cut her off, holding her elbows as I gave a concerned look.

"Addie, I won't always be there to save you and the town, for all I know I might go missing or even worse—" I expressed, looking afar as I thought of what could happen, but Addison interrupted, "Don't say die!"

"I was going to say, lose my powers," I said, chuckling a bit, happy that my sister is concerned about me.

"I understand Cassie, but give them a chance," Addison pleaded, offering me her best puppy dog eyes. I rolled my eyes and turn back to the wolves.

"Welcome to Seabrook, wolves," I said flatly, crossing my arms as I put on my resting bish face, the boy giving me a smile.


"Zed for prez!" I yelled, levitating flyers to individuals and zombies passing by us, giving them a small smile.

"Vote Zed for prez, because I'm a zombie, not a zom-can't-be," Zed said, handing out to one of the students, I chuckled at what corny he sounded.

"Okay, here's our platform. We fight for zombie toppings on pizza in the cafeteria," Eliza said to Zed as I listened, thinking of what zombie toppings taste like, "Is it even good?"

"Get Zombie tongue taught as a second language," I made my best zombie accent and zombie walk, making both of them laugh at my antics, "And how to overthrow your oppressors after school club."

"Eliza," Zed agreed to what Eliza had in mind except for the last part, "Sorry, right. Don't over-promise. But more importantly, we allow zombies at Prawn".

"Good luck, Mr. Future President," Addison said, smiling wide as she and Bree came towards us.

"Hey Zed, did you hear? Addie's being tested for captain, and she gets to run

cheer practice tomorrow," Bree announced, excitedly.

"It's not a big deal," Addison said with a calm face as I made a 'really' look, her walls broke down and a squeal escaped, "Okay, it's huge."

"If Addie aces this practice, oh my gosh, she's so going to be cheer captain once Bucky wins," Bree said, not noticing Zed is around. I looked at Zed and gave him a small smile, "He's so gonna win because you know, elections, they're just like these big old popularity contests. And Bucky is super popular."

"So, what? You guys have me, I can totally manipulate everyone's minds and make them vote for Zed," I sarcastically said as Zed looked at me saying, "Wait, you can do that?"

"I don't know, could I?" I said to Zed with a smile, rolling my eyes.

"I know it's weird I'll only be cheer captain if Bucky's president, but..." Addison trailed off as Zed, shook his head saying, "No, that just means neither of us can lose because one of us is going to get what we want. And I can live with that."

"Me too."

"You'll do great, Zed."

"Yeah, let's finish all this sweet couple talk and head to class, lovebirds," I rolled my eyes as the both of them laugh at my bitterness.

Wolves (Wyatt Lykensen × OC)Where stories live. Discover now