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WYATT WAS QUIET FOR A WHILE. From the looks on his face, I could tell he was debating if he should tell me about the girl or not. He sighed, eventually looking up at me as he frowned a bit.

"Her name was Willow. She looked exactly like you, although you have a white streak. I met her in the Forest, she was lost. So, I helped her get her way out of it." He started as he looked at the sky, hopefully.

"In those few hours, I knew she was the one."

" I had a connection with her, she was my mate. She was sarcastic, very sarcastic. But behind her walls, she was kind. Smart. Beautiful," He said as he glanced at me, smiling a bit.

"I followed her into town, even though I knew it would be dangerous for me if I were caught. She was in the old power plant building, trying to make it work," He said as I chuckled at him.

"So you were stalking her?" He rolled his eyes and answered, "I was not! I had a bad feeling something would happen!"

"It exploded. Making the building fall. I looked for her but, nothing. She was gone," His expression saddened, I went closer to his side and grasped his hand.

"It wasn't your fault, Wyatt. I'm sure, wherever she is, she's happy," I said, looking straight at his eyes.

"Uh, we should get going, it's getting darker," Wyatt said as he stood up, uncomfortably. I nod slowly and stood up, blushing a bit.

"Walk you home?" He asked as I shook my head no, "You don't have to."

"Oh, come on! I have to know you're safe," He stated as I nod convinced, reddening more at his words. Thank God that it was getting darker, or else he would probably tease me.

"Wyatt, why does your sister call me Jinx though?" I asked once we were at the front porch of my house.

"Well, she believes you're her," He answered as another question came to my mind, "What if..."

"What if I am her?" I questioned him, raising a brow. Although, he just chuckled at me and said, "Goodnight Cassie."

"Thank you for today," I said, leaning a bit closer to him as he did so. He looked at my lips then back at my eyes, then behind me as a person cleared their throat, "Ahem."

"Uh, Mr. Wells, I was just about to leave," Wyatt said. I rolled my eyes and turned to dad, waving at him.

"Young lady, inside now," He demanded. I nodded and followed him in, not before giving a quick peck on Wyatt's cheek, his face quickly turning red as a tomato, "Bye Wyatt."

"See you tomorrow," Wyatt said, waving goodbye.

"Who was that?" Dad said as I hang my purse on the rack and rolled my eyes at him, "Don't you roll your eyes at me, young lady!"

"He was one of those wolves, wasn't he?"

"Dad, he was nobody," I said as mom went out of the kitchen and hugged me, leaving a small kiss on my forehead as dad said, angrily, "Nobody? He's a boy!"

"A boy?" Mom said, excitedly as dad sighed frustrated.

"Why don't you bring him over tomorrow for dinner, sweetie?" Mom asked. I gave a humming sound in response then looked at my dad who was red, almost exploding like a volcano from anger. I then said, "I don't think that's a good idea."

"Nonsense, I bet your father would love to meet him. Right, Dale?" Mom said, patting dad's shoulder as he calmed down a bit, sighing.

"Fine," He gave in.

"But mom, he's just a friend," I explained as Addison came running down the stairs from her room.

"A friend you say?" Addison teased, moving her eyebrows as if to mock me. I rolled my eyes and said, "Yes, Addison, just friends."

Wolves (Wyatt Lykensen × OC)Where stories live. Discover now