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"CASSANDRA, WAKE UP, SWEETIE! Zed is here," My mother hollered from downstairs as I made a groan, turning once again on my mattress.

"Tell him I'm still sleeping," I shout back, putting the covers on me as I snuggle closer to it. I snored softly, slowly falling back to sleep when suddenly, "Cassandra Wells!"

"Get off me, Zed," I yelled at Zed, who was sitting on me with his little sister. I gave him a glare, then push him off the bed and onto the floor.

"Why are you waking me so early?" I questioned, pulling the covers from Zoey, his little sister, as I nestled back into bed.

"Today's the day Addison will return," Zoey clamored as I shot up frankly from the bed and cried, "Today?!"

"Oh, I gotta get dressed," I yelled, levitating Zoey and Zed out of my room as I stood up and ran to my bathroom. Having powers has its perks, but forgetting my past has disadvantages. I could trade my powers just to know who I truly was before the incident.

"Hurry up, Cassie! We have to get my plan ready," Zed banged on the door as I put on my white button-up shirt matching a black skirt that reaches above my calf and wore my black ankle boots. I opened the door and smiled at both Zoey and Zed, "Let's go!"


"When do I throw the confetti?" Zoey asked, standing impatiently in the middle of the road as I levitated Zed up, to fix the arrow that was supposed to be pointing at him.

"I love your plan and all, Zed, but I think my plan would be bet—" I was interrupted by a scream.

"Cassie, Zed, look!" Zoey exclaimed as I turned around to see the school bus coming our way causing me to lose focus of my powers, "Oh no!"

"Zed!" I yelled as Zed fell on top of the moving bus, I quickly pursue the bus as it went left into the forest.

"Zoey, come quick," I yelled, mentioning Zoey to obey me as I followed the tracks of the bus. Stopping in my tracks as I heard bushes rustling and moving, I look around to see moving shadows. As I came closer to one of the rustling bushes, I saw two glowing eyes through the bush. I was about to separate the Bush by my powers but a voice stopped me, "Cassie, I found them!"

"Guys, we're not alone," I declared as the Lacey's and the other cheerleaders came.

"We're surrounded by..." I trailed off, sensing the surrounding atmosphere with my powers, "wolves."



"Mom, Dad," I said as Addison and I both clutched our parents tight, the two checking if there are any injuries to be seen on us.

"The crash was horrible, but I protected Addison. Anyone as courageous as me would've done the same," Bucky, my cousin, said to mom and dad as I rolled my eyes at him, "Though not really, I am super brave."

"Mom, Dad, everything is fine," Addison reassured our parents as mom shook her head no, "It's not fine."

"There are werewolves circling us right now, waiting to attack," Dad said, I crossed my arms and groaned, "But dad-"

"Somebody has to do something," My father said. My mom looked at him answering, as she gave him her purse, "And someone will. Hold my purse."

"By order of city council, effective immediately, all anti-monster laws

are reinstated," Mom, being the mayor of Seabrook, declared.

"Mom, that is unfair!" Addison exclaimed as I gave dad a look. He was giving me a scowling look as I started to talk.

"But dad, I can protect the town! You know I'm gifted and I want to—" Dad cut me off, "Sweetie, we know. We just don't want you to get hurt."

"Fine," I said, finally giving in as he gave me a proud look and patted my shoulder, "Thank you, sweetie."


"Zoey! Come in, I baked you guys cookies," I yelled, coming out of Zed's house with a plate of cookies in hand.

"What are you doing, Z?" I questioned her as I handed her the plate of cookies, I looked at the drawing Zoey was putting on the fence.

"Oh, I'm just looking for a were-friend," she said as she took a cookie from my plate.

"Have you seen a werewolf? I'm looking for a were-friend," Zoey said as a mysterious worker went to us.

"Silly kid, there's no such thing as werewolves," Said the man as he finally noticed me, I gave him a small smile and said, "Zoey, let's get inside now."

"But we heard it howl," Clearly, Zoey wasn't listening to me, instead she kept talking to the man.

"Maybe it was a hiker saying, 'howl's it going?'" The man suggested with a smirk as I noticed how big his eyes are.

"It was a werewolf," I confirmed to him as I pick Zoey up, giving him a slight glare. Zoey held the plate to the man, saying, "You want one?"

"Cassandra's cookies are the best," Zoey exclaimed as the man shook his head no.

"Zoey," Zoey's dad yelled from the front door, I gave a nod to the man as Zoey and I went inside the house.

"Thanks for the cookies, Cassie," Zed said as I smiled at them, taking my purse from the chair as I left with a goodbye, "Tell Addison I said hey!"

"Sure will," I yelled back, going out of the house. The man earlier took the drawing Zoey made and ran away, making me more curious.

3rd Person's P. O. V.

"He's back," Willa announced to her pack as they gather around Wyatt, removing his disguise and putting on his necklace.

"What did you find out?" Willa questioned her brother as he made a little glare, "They saw you howling, Willa."

"So?" Willa said, clearly not caring as she crossed her arms.

"We're exposed," Wyatt handed the drawing of a werewolf. Willa raised a brow at it as she chuckled.

"Looks nothing like us, Wyatt," Assured Willa as she showed the drawing to the other wolves, "We have way better hair than that."

"Stop being such a worry-wolf, brother. I only said 'awoo'!," Continued Willa, "It's like saying 'ciao' or 'aloha.' Or 'I'll rip your throat out.'"

"Anyway, who cares what they think? It's a terrible town," Willa said, rolling her eyes.

"We have to find the Great Alpha," stated Wyatt.

"If there even is a Great Alpha," Willa retorted.

"Willa, we saw her in the forest," Wyatt stated, his patience wearing thin, "She had the white hair."

"It was probably just the light. Besides, her friend has a white streak too," Willa said.

"She's real, and she's going to lead us to the moonstone. And you know we don't have much time. More and more of our pack are getting sick," Wyatt said, giving sad glances to his pack, "Our necklaces are almost out of power. We need to find the moonstone."

"And when we do, we can recharge our necklaces and stay wolf strong for another 100 years," Wynter exclaimed, happily.

"Okay. Even if the girl is the Great Alpha, how do we find her?" Willa questioned, finally giving in as Wyatt gave her a small smile, showing a logo of Seabrook's high school.

"I found this in the woods. It's hers," Wyatt said as Wynter sniffed it, saying, "We'll track her down with our keen sense of smell."

"Says Seabrook High on it, so I thought we might just look there," Wyatt told Wynter as she nods.

"Okay, fine. We find the girl, and if she's the Great Alpha, she'll tell us where the moonstone is hidden," Willa yelled at her pack as Wyatt said, "We go in the morning."

"We go tonight!" Willa yelled at her pack as Wyatt nodded, muttering, "Or tonight works."

Wolves (Wyatt Lykensen × OC)Where stories live. Discover now