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"HONEY?" Dad said, surprised to see me this early as I ignored him and went running up to my room, slamming the door shut loudly. I lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling as I cried, sure that my mascara would be ruined right now.

"Hey sweetie, it's your dad," Dad said from the other side, knocking softly. I turned on my side and waited for him to go away or something, but instead, I heard him sigh.

"If there's something wrong, I'm here for you. I'll give you cookies, a glass of milk, a shoulder to cry on, and all the ice cream you want," Dad said, sighing once again, "I'm just one call away, sweetie."

"I'm fine, dad. Thanks anyway," I said, clearly evident that I was crying. He was leaving, considering the sounds of dad's footsteps. I stared at the necklace I had ever since, it had a heart pendant. A tear fell from my eyes, dropping to the pendant as it clicked. I looked at it curiously, slowly opening it as it showed a picture of a family. A father with white streaks and fangs from the other side, while the other has a mother and a girl. The girl had the same facial features as me, but without the white streak. What made me surprised is that the little girl's mother looks familiar. I stared closely at her eyes as pictures emerged from my mind, causing me to stumble as I sat up.

"Why, look how beautiful our little girl is, Matilda," The man said as he took me from what I assume is a crib. Apparently, I was a baby. The man made goofy faces as he handed the baby to a woman with black hair that had red streaks. The woman turned around and it was her, the woman from my pendant. Her eyes glowed red as she smiled at me, taking me in her arms.

"My beautiful baby Willow," She cooed, kissing my forehead. Then another flash and I was transported into a dark forest.

"Sweetie, run!" Mother whispered to me as I hugged her tightly, she pushed me away from her and turned to where the arrow came from as beasts started to emerge from the bushes.

"Willow, run now!" My mother demanded as she cast a spell, causing one of the beasts to fly back. I ran ahead as fast as I can and as far away as possible, not before I whispered, "I love you, mother."

In another flash, it showed a boy. He had similar facial features to Wyatt, he smiled at me and said, "I'm Wyatt by the way. And you are?"

"Why won't you work?" Said a voice, I turned around to see a little girl, she slammed her fist on the machine as a bright light surrounded us, and I was now in a hospital, two adults were talking, it was mom and dad, Missy and Dale Wells.

"I want to keep her, Dale," Missy said as I looked at her confused, but when I looked through the doors, I was shocked. The girl, it was me. A strand of her hair started turning white as she was sleeping unconsciously.

"Ahhh!" I yelled from the pain that the flashbacks were causing in my head, I stumbled upon my chair that was beside my mirror.

"I'm Jinx, Willow Jinx," I whispered, checking out my reflection as I softly touched the strand of my hair that was white.

"If I'm Willow Jinx, then that means—" I was cut off by a doorbell ringing, I quickly went to my window and saw Bree, looking worriedly. I quickly went downstairs, not before checking if my eyes were still red and puffy from the crying.

"Cass, your sister texted me that she needs help but your father said she's not here," She said as I looked at her, worriedly.

"What?! We have to go tell Zed and the gang," I said as she nodded. I quickly put on my shoes and both of us ran away to the other side of town, Zombietown.


"You two are not allowed here," Said one of the enforcers as I crossed my arms and glared at him.

"Don't you know who I am, mister?" I asked, threatening the man in front of me as I straighten my back, intimidating him, "No."

"Allow me to introduce myself, I am the one and only daughter of the mayor and your boss, Missy and Dale Wells," I said, well, adopted daughter, giving him a glare as one of the workers who I know, came between us smiling.

"Why, Jeffrey, you shouldn't mess with Cassie, she might turn you into a toad for all I know," Russel said to his fellow worker as he nods, Russel smiled at me as both Bree and I went past the guards and to the gang.

"Hey, guys!" Bree yelled, catching the attention of our zombie friends, as Eliza said, "And yet somehow Bree just did."

"Have you guys seen Addison?" I asked them and all of them looked at me worriedly as Bree explained the situation.

"She texted me for help, but she's not home, and she's not answering her phone," Bree said as she took a glance at Bomzo, smiling wide, "Oh. Hey, Bonzo."

"You guys, focus!" Zed exclaimed, worried that her girlfriend is lost. I rolled my eyes at them and said, "My sister's in danger here!"

"Okay, if her phone is on, I can track her," Eliza said, taking out her gadget as she pressed on an app, showing where Addison is, "She's in the Forbidden Forest."

"The wolves."


"Zed! Don't!" I yelled, trying to stop him from taking off his wristband. He pulled me behind him and yelled at the wolves, "Don't make me take this off!"

"Wolves!" Willa yelled, their eyes glowing yellow as their necklaces glowed blue, growling at us.

"Stay back!" Zed yelled, a wolf made a step towards us and caused Zed to throw off his Z-band.

"Wolves, stand back," I yelled, but they ignored me, growling loudly as I went to their side, creating a force field around them.

"I said 'stand back,'" I growled at them. They stopped growling, looking a bit scared as I let out a powerful wave of energy. I stopped Zed from moving a muscle and levitated his band back to his wrist, letting him move once again.

"Zed, Cassie, I want to be here!" Addison said to both of us as she pulled me aside with Zed. I looked at her confused with a mixture of worry, then turned to the wolves yelling, "What did you do?"

Wolves (Wyatt Lykensen × OC)Where stories live. Discover now