Yavanna x ColorBlind!Reader

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A/n: Yavanna is like a mother figure to the reader

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A/n: Yavanna is like a mother figure to the reader.

A tear fell down your soft cheek as you sat in the middle of a beautiful garden. Well for you was dull since you were color blind. Since you were born, you couldn't see color. Everything around you was black and white, making your days dull and cheerless.

Your Father and Mother had pleaded to the Valar for help, to try to lift this curse from you but they couldn't. You live your life with a heavy chest, sorrowful for not knowing the color of your mother's hair or the color of your father's favorite robe. Not knowing what color your dresses are or the color of the flower beside you shake with the warm wind.

In the back of your mind, you knew that your parents were ashamed of you. How is it possible an elf could not see color?! It's abominable!

"Why did I born with this curse?... What did I do to Eru for deserving this?" you whisper quietly, letting more tears run down your puffy red eyes.

You look down and saw a beautiful black rose. Lifting your hand slowly, you stroke carefully your fingers on the soft petal. Was the rose really black? What color was she? Did her color shined more with the warm sunlight hitting on her soft petals? Thoughts were running wild in your head, wanting desperately to know the answer. Lost on your thoughts, you didn't notice the delicate figure walking slowly to you.

"Her color is warm...like sunlight bathe you in its warmth." a smooth voice sounded behind you.

You turn your head back and your eyes widen. Standing behind you was Lady Yavanna, one of the Valar. Wife of Aulë. You shot up and bow quickly.

"M..My Lady!" you softly said, looking at her with your e/c eyes full of awe. Yavanna was known to have a wild beauty. Her long curly hair was, to you, pure black as like the little flowers on her hair. Her dress was long and looked soft to touch. Her body was curvy and plump but that made her even more beautiful. Her eyes were pale and you could see them looking at you full of maternal emotion.

"Please sit down, Y/n. Today is such a beautiful day!" Yavanna said with a warm smile, sitting beside you.

You do as she told and return to your seat, playing nervously with your fingers. You had never been in the same place with a Valar, you would always stay in your chambers whenever your parents had important elves or ainur in your home. You would spend most of your days in your balcony looking at the grey sky, watching the two trees shining in the distance.

There was a long silence moment around you two, you could hear that beautiful song of nature intensified with Yavanna's presence. A sweet smell radiated from her which made your body relax, melting into the soft grass beneath you.

"You know... You are the first elf that is color blind." Yavanna's soft voice made the birds chirp happily, making her smile softly. "When your parents came to us seeking help, most of us were shocked...Never in our long life, we have heard an elf like you."

You could feel tears trying to escape again but you took a deep breath and contain them, not wanting Yavanna to see you crying.

"We all thought that you were kissed by darkness with you were born...but now I see that we were all wrong." her voice delicate and soft. "You are different, Y/n...and that's what makes you special. You see our world in a different way... in your way."

"Yes...But my world is dull and melancholy," you whisper quickly, feeling tears running down freely. "Every time I look to the skies, they are always grey even when it's a beautiful summer day... People whisper awful things behind my back, saying that I'm cursed... a child of darkness..." you sob the last part, remembering of what Prince Fëanor said in one of your mother's parties.

"That's not true! And you know it... "the wild beauty said with a frown on her face. Yavanna stood up and extended her hand to you, smiling gently. "Come... Let me show you something."

You cleaned your tears and grab her warm hand, letting her lead you through the dense woods. After a long walk, Yavanna stopped and let you take a step forward. A gasp fell from your lips as you see the most beautiful view that you ever saw. You were on a cliff, a vast ocean before you.

You only could see grey with tones of white and black but you knew that you didn't need colors to appreciate the beautiful view. The sound of the heavy waves hitting the rocks below you made your body relax, feeling the warm wind around you and the salty smell from the ocean... You were at peace.

You two sat down on the cliff, carefully for not to fall down. Yavanna begins humming a soft song, making all the sounds around you more intense. You feel your lips twist into a small smile which surprised you since who could smile when their world is black and white?... Your smile grew to a bigger one and you realized that made you feel good...made you special.

"You deserve to be happy, Y/n... like anyone else," Yavanna said while putting a piece of your h/c hair behind your pointy ear, stroking gently your soaked cheek. "Don't let anyone said otherwise!" with her kind words, you were a sobbing mess. She pulls you into her warm embrace and let you cry everything out, rubbing gently your hair.

"Shhh...It's okay..." she whispers softly, embracing you like a mother does to her sweet child after falling down or lost their favorite toy. You close your eyes and relax in her warm embrace, noticing that your mother or father never had held you like this.

Yavanna begins her song again and snaps her fingers, making a flower field surrounding you two. You look again to the vast peaceful ocean and smile, seeing in the distance the sun hiding on the horizon.

Maybe Yavanna was right. You deserve to be happy... and you will.

Hey Guys!! Here's a new one-shot with Yavanna! So what do you guys think? I think it was a little bad but I hope you like it and feel free to comment and tell me what you think!


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