Maglor x Dragon!Reader

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A tired sigh fell from Maglor's lips as he puts down his harp beside him

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A tired sigh fell from Maglor's lips as he puts down his harp beside him. He looks up to the bright blue sky, seeing the beautiful clouds moving slowly in the blue canvas.

It was another lonely day for him. His brothers had gone for one of their hunts which Maglor didn't like very much, preferring to stay in his room playing on his harp. But lately, he has been lonely. The whish of returning to Valinor haunted his dreams, longing to see his mother and the beautiful sight of the blessed lands. He couldn't say this to his brothers, they wouldn't understand and call him a traitor. Cowards for not be brave enough to finish the oath of his father but Maglor thought that all the misery and destruction that his family did, all this awful war against the Valar and Morgoth it wasn't worth it just for some jewels.

Maglor wanted to go back to his real home, to seek comfort on his mother's arms. Listening to her gentle voice saying that everything is going to be okay but he knew that it wasn't since if he goes back to Valinor, he would have to pay for the crimes of his father and brothers.

His thoughts were interrupted by a roar like thunder booming in the skies. He stood up from his seat by the window and saw a massive form falling from the sky into the woods near his fortress.

"What in Eru was that?" he whispers under his breath.

Maglor wraps his cloak around him, grabbing his sword, he walks out of his room and mounted his stallion. He grabs the reins tightly and orders his horse into a fast trot, going towards the direction where the creature had fallen. Trying to not get much attention on him.

After a while of searching the forest, Maglor finally got a clue where the creature might be since he found a gigantic pool of dark blood in the middle of a clearing. He followed the blood and found himself at the entrance to a cave. Maglor could hear the painful growls and whimpers coming from inside the dark den.

Grabbing tightly his sharp sword, Maglor took a few steps inside, his grey eyes alert to any kind of threat that could bring him harm. A gasp fell from his lips as he saw a beautiful white-haired maiden curled in the cold ground, the same dark blood that he had found early was pouring from your side, where was a large wound. 

You were gorgeous! Your pale skin and pure white hair remind him of the pearls of Alqualondë. There were scales spread through your body which confused him since you look just mere beautiful mortal but something told that wasn't the case.

You lift slowly your head and shiver in fear when you saw him standing there with his shining sword on his hand, ready to strike.

"P..Please..." you whimper while lifting your bloody hands in surrender. "Don't hurt me!" 

As the black-haired elf heard your pleads, he lowers his sword. His gorgeous grey eyes study you closely, noticing your pale cat-like eyes and the whitish scales on you neck and arms.

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