Caranthir x Nightelf!Reader Part One

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A groan fell from Caranthir's lips as Celegorm's fist collided with his cheek, open a small cut on his fair skin

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A groan fell from Caranthir's lips as Celegorm's fist collided with his cheek, open a small cut on his fair skin.

"Focus, Cara! You were the one who wanted to spar." Celegorm said with a small smirk on his lips, seeing his little brother gasp for breath like a human.

Caranthir rubs the back of his hand against his cheek, cleaning the fresh blood, and glare to his brother. "Shut the fuck up, Celegorm!" he snarled. 

The Fëanor's sons had been training for weeks on their camp, only stopping to drink some cool water from the lake beside the camp and rest. Caranthir was the one that came up with this idea, to train so they could be ready for any surprise attack from the Dark Lord. But something was plaguing Caranthir's mind and his seven brothers had noticed that. 

Maedhros stop beside him and bend down, his grey eyes focus on his little brother's face. "What's the matter, Caranthir? Recently, you have been a little off." Maedhros asked, his eyes filled with concern.

Caranthir huffs and shook his brother's hand away, standing up with one graceful move. "Nothing!" he murmured while cleaning some dirt away from his clothes. "Just leave me alone!" he snaps, walking away from the training ground. Leaving behind his worried brothers.

He walks into his tent and closes the curtain. He sat down on his soft bed, full with soft furs, and rubs his hand against his face. Since they arrive in Middle-Earth, Caranthir couldn't sleep. His nights were plagued with nightmares. Every night, he would wake up gasping and sweat dripping down from his face. 

In his dreams, he saw a beautiful elleth with long pointy ears, longer than he was used to see in his kin, and dark purple skin. Her eyes were pure white light but slowly turned into cold ice blue, filled with misery and sadness. The life in them taken away.

Her soft voice would sometimes echo in his dreams. Saying, "Why? What have I done to deserve such punishment, Elune?"

He could feel her pain. He could feel the ice spread through his veins, trying to freeze him to death. 

"Fuck!" he snarled while throwing a pillow to the floor. He buries his hands on his silky black hair and closes his eyes, trying to forget the image of the beautiful elleth.

He lied down and try to get some rest, let sleep take over his body and mind. Praying to all the Gods to not dream about this strange elleth.


A loud roar from a thunder echoed through the dark sky, waking up Caranthir and the rest of his brothers. He shot up and walk out of his tent, looking up to the sky. 

A bright light fell from the dark sky, making the eight brothers gasp in surprise. The light fell in the woods in front of them with a loud boom.

"What the hell was that?" Celegorm murmured under his breath.

The others brothers stayed in silence, still shocked by what they saw. Maglor took a step forward and look to Maedhros. 

"Maybe it some other trick of Morgoth." He said with a gentle voice.

Maedhros shook his head and grab his sword, walking towards where the strange light had fallen. "If it is then we have to do something before it comes to us." with that, the eight brothers walk into the dark woods.

Caranthir was on the back. His heart won't stop throbbing in anxiety. He could sense that something was wrong but said nothing. He could see now the bright light shining between the thick trees which made his palms sweaty and his throat close.

Maedhros stops and gasp. Looking down to the hole in the ground, the light brightening his sharp features.

"What in Eru is that?!" he whispers.

Caranthir pushed his brothers away and walk to the front, trying to see what Maedhros is so shocked about. He looks down and suddenly the air become thicker and difficult to breathe. 

Curled on the ground, was the strange elleth from his dreams. Her pure white hair was spread around her form and stain with blood. She was wearing a strange black armor with hits of blue. A trail of dry tears shined on her soft purple cheek.

"Who is she?" the twins asked in awe. Their curious eyes studying her carefully.

Maedhrosx Celegorm and Curufin grabbed their swords and start walking towards the elleth. "Don't know but I don't want to find out." he said.

Caranthir stay still, seeing his brothers walking towards her with their swords in hand. He couldn't believe his eyes. This must be some of his nightmares and he was still sleeping on his tent. But either a dream or not, he couldn't let his brothers bring any harm to the beautiful elleth. 

He grabs Maedhros's shoulder and stops him. "Wait!" his brothers look to him with confused faces and stopped. "I-I know her... S-She isn't evil." he said, his eyes focus on the limp form of the elleth.

There's a long silence between them. The seven brothers looking at their brother like he had grew another head. This wasn't the Caranthir that they have known. The Caranthir they know would have been the first to grab his sword and pierce through the elleth's head.

After a moment, they all took a deep breath and said at the same time.


Hey Guys!! Here's a new one-shot with Caranthir! There will be part 2!This one is a crossover between middle-earth and World of Warcraft!! I love that game and the lore! I hope you enjoy it and feel free to comment and tell me what you think!


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