Irmo x child!reader

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Your small sobs sounded through the dark silent forest

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Your small sobs sounded through the dark silent forest. Dark bruised printed on your small arms and chubby cheeks. Your big e/c eyes study carefully your surroundings as fat tears run down your soft cheeks.

Your worst nightmare finally came true. Well, you didn't know if it was a nightmare or a dream because you wished to run from the monsters that once you called parents. Since you were born, your mom and dad spend their days hitting you or forcing you to do all the work in the house.... but it wasn't enough. You were too little to reach for the plates on the top shelf which led to a pile of broken dishes. You had received the worse beat of your small life from your drunk dad.

After beating you with his belt a few times and slapping your face until your lip split open, he throws you to the old wagon and took off towards the dark forest which leads to where you are alone.

He left you there to die. In hopes that some dark creature captures you and rip your soft flesh off from your bones.

You curl your sore body into a small ball by a tree and sob into your small hands, wishing that all of this would end quickly. 

"My poor child." A delicate voice sounded through the tall trees, making you lift your head from your hands. "Left here to die." 

"W-Who's t-there?" You asked with a whispered voice. 

Suddenly a bright figure comes from the dense forest, he was tall and was wearing long silky dark blue robes. His hair was silver like the moonlight and waterfall down his back. His skin was pearly white and his features remind you of a feline, with his cheekbones and sharp grey eyes.

"Don't be afraid, child." He says with a calm and delicate voice. The strange man kneels in front of you and pushes an h/c lock behind your ear. "I'm a friend and I've come to rescue you." 

You rub your tears off with the back of your hand and sniff a little, your eyes fixed on his grey ones. "Like the knights do to the Princesses?" You asked in curious but frown lightly, looking down at your small hands. "But I'm not a princess..." 

The man chuckles and shook his head, making his beautiful silver hair fall over his shoulder. "You don't need to be a Princess to be rescued, Little One." He says with a gentle smile. "I'm Irmo. What's your name, Little One?" 

You look up from your hands and shrug your shoulders, trying to fight more tears from falling. "I-I don't have one... I think" You whisper, seeing the shock on his gray eyes. 

"What do your parents call you?" He asked, his face contoured with concern.

You shrug your shoulders again and sniff. "Pigglet, Little Whore, and many other things...." 

Irmo was speechless, not knowing what to say to the small child before him. The sadness of the child's soul had brought him here, he couldn't support more how scared and sorrowful this child was. How could someone do this to a small child??!! How could a parent do this to their own offspring? Not even the Dark Lord himself could do this to a child.

Irmo's eyes study carefully the dark bruises on the child's arms, neck, and head. Noticing that she was wearing an old rag, that only covered a little, leaving most of her little legs and arms bare. 

You wrap your arms around your knees, pulling them to your chest. A hiss fell from your lips as you move your sore body, feeling the burn of the bruises that your dad made. Lórien took his robe off and wrap it around you. The feel of rich silk against your skin made you sigh in pleasure, feeling safe and warm. Something that you aren't used to it.

After a long silence, Irmo clears his throat and smiles down at you, noticing the sleep in your tearful eyes. 

"Y/n," He says simply.

You frown and tilt your head to the side, confused. "What?" 

"That's your new name." He gave you an excited grin and cups your cheek with his large hand, noticing how you flinch with his touch. "I have a big home and I would love to share it with you, Y/n." 

"Home?" You asked with a little hope on your voice. 

He nods and smiles gently. "Yes, home. A place where you could be who you are and never feel fear or sad again." He says calmly. "I can see that you have passed a bad time and you deserve better, Y/n... You deserve to feel loved, to feel safe, to be free... So, what you think, Little One? Would you like to go to your new home?" He asked.

You stay quiet for a while, thinking carefully of what he said. You knew that you shouldn't go to a stranger's home but...but you don't have anywhere else to go, no one to call family or friend and Irmo seems a good man. Well, not man since you just notice the pointy ears. 

"Are you an elf?" You asked shyly.

He chuckles softly and cleans a tear from the corner of your eye. "Ahh...You could say that." He says with a grin and a wink which made you giggle. "Ahh, there it is! What a beautiful laugh!"  He says as he starts tickling you, making you laugh even harder and plead for mercy. 

"Okay, okay." You huff with a small smile as you try catching your breath. "I will come with you...just-just promise that I won't get hurt anymore... I can't take it anymore." You say quietly, your eyes fixed on his, trying to see if there were lies in them but she found none. 

"I will not anything bad happens to you, Y/n... I will protect you forever, Little One." He says with a serious face. He leans down and gives a gentle kiss on your forehead. "Now, sleep little one... We have a long journey ahead of us." with that, your eyes closed and sleep takes over you.

Irmo picks you up gently, careful for the robe not fall down. 

"My Love?" His wife, Estë, comes from between the trees to his side. Looking down to the child on his arms in curious. "Who's this little one?" She asked as she stroke gently your cheeks with her finger.

He smiles softly down at you and looks to his wife. "This is our new guest of honor." He says as he kisses his wife lovely. "She has been through a lot, love."

Estë looks down again at you, her eyes full of sadness as she sees the bruises on your limp body. "Poor child..." She gasps. "Don't worry, My Love... You and I will give her a good life in Valinor... Let's hope that Manwë won't mad with this little human being there." She says with a grin and mischief eyes.

Irmo chuckles and nods, walking into the dense forest with you in his arms and his wife beside him. "Nah, I think Manwë will love her." He says as the three of them began the journey back to Valinor.

One thing that Irmo is sure about it, is that every Valar will love Y/n with all their hearts and will do everything in their power to protect her. 

"Let's introduce you to your new family, Little One." 

Hey Guys!!! Here's a new One shot with Irmo! I hope you like it and feel free to comment and tell me what you think!

Also, it would mean a lot if you guys could buy me a coffee on Ko-fi! The link is on my bio. (my ko-fi account name is Lilith and posts there my original work.)


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