Chapter 1

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The Clave Art Institute in New York City, the most sought out school for the art, aside from NYADA that was. Raelyn was practically bouncing in her seat as the taxi pulled into the parking lot. She quickly handed over the money the cab driver needed then grabbed her belongings: a suitcase, duffle bag and her art bag, and of course her guitar case. She quickly fished through her purse to find her papers she needed to take to the office. The brunette looked around, her green eyes shining in amazement at the size alone of the school; it was huge! Bigger than she ever thought. As she entered the office, she approached an older woman, with graying hair pinned up in a bun, with a smile on her face.

"H-Hello..." she said quietly.

The older woman gazed up at her with a small smile on her face. "Yes? May I help you?"

Raelyn sniffed the air, relaxing when she realized the woman was just a normal person. "M-my name is Raelyn Collins... I-I'm new and I-I needed to get m-my schedule and d-dorm number?"

Noticing the poor girl was nervous, the older woman smiled warmly at her. "Let me check for you, dearie." She went to typing on her computer. "Collins... Ah you're coming in through a paid scholarship I see... Hmm... Ah here it is! Dorm number 304 on the third floor. Your roommate is Isabelle Lightwood." She quickly printed out her things she needed. "Here is your dorm number, key, and class schedule. There is a laundry room on every floor, change needed, as well as a cafeteria and various vending machines around the school grounds. We hope you enjoy your time here. Welcome to the Clave Art Institute, Miss Collins!"

Raelyn smiled shyly at the woman and thanked her quietly as she grabbed the things from her. She grabbed her bags and went to the elevator to get to the third floor. When she got there is was quiet, minus one or two students that has just arrived before she did. Once she found her room she knocked, trying to be polite to her new roommate, before opening the door. The room was a bit bigger than she expected, with one side looking bare and the other one covered in various music posters. The bed on the opposite side having been made and covered with a deep red duvet with matching pillowcases. Not seeing anyone else in the room she placed her items on her bed and started to put things away. She noticed she had a dresser behind her bed near the desk that was empty and started to put her clothes away. She placed her shoes, which was only a pair of old converses, flipflops and her ballet flats, under her bed. At the foot of her bed she set up her guitar. Her art bag was placed on top of the dresser, her laptop on the desk. Her duffle bag and now empty suitcase went under the bed.

"Looks like I might have to go to the store for better bedding and some pillows..." Raelyn thought as she looked at the bare bed, well not necessarily bare, but it only had the standard sheets, basic blanket that looked a bit too thin and a few somewhat flat pillows. "Wasn't there a store right across from campus? Good thing classes don't start until Monday..."

The brunette sighed then grabbed her purse before heading out the door, nearly running into someone on her way out.

"I-I'm so sorry!" she said immediately when she caught the scent of a beta.

When she looked up, she saw a woman with long dark hair, wearing a green tank top with a brown leather jacket, dark washed jeans and a pair of heeled boots.

"You're okay!" the beta reassured her, sniffing to only find the small brunette was an Omega, she smiled at her. "I'm Isabelle, you must be my new dormmate!"

"Y-Yes, I'm Raelyn..." smiling, she shook the betas hand, still feeling a bit nervous around the somewhat intimidating woman.

"You're the student who got the Shadowhunter scholarship right? My mother showed me your artwork and it is amazing! Your depiction on heaven and earth was the most detailed and just... wow! I was excited to hear we would be dormies!"

"Y-Your mother?"

"Oh! Yeah, my mother and father are the headmasters of this institute! My brothers and I got to pick who got the scholarships this year. I picked yours, then told my mom I'd love to room with you. It's very scary starting college, I wanted to make you feel as comfortable as possible here."

"A-Are you a g-grade above?" damn stuttering.

If Isabelle noticed, she never commented, just kept talking. "Nope! I just started same as you, but I got here last week to get the best room. My older brother Alec and our sort of-adopted-but-really-just-my-brothers-best-friend Jace and their friend Magnus started last year. Alec's a beta and Jace and Magnus are Alphas, but don't worry, they're big teddy bears. Then there's Raphael and Simon, they're alphas too and Clary is an Omega just like you! Its perfect! They'll love you!"

Even though Isabelle was excited, Raelyn couldn't help but feel even more nervous. That was too many new people for her and four alphas? That itself was terrifying to her. Isabelle, sensing the omega was a bit distressed at the moment calmed herself down.

"But don't worry they won't be here until Sunday! That's two days of me and you getting to know each other. Were you heading out?" she asked noticing she was holding her purse.

Raelyn nodded, relaxing somewhat. "I-I need some t-things at t-the store i-if you want to come...?"

Isabelle beamed at the omega. "I love shopping! Let me grab my purse and I can drive us to the mall!"

"B-but there's a store a-across the street... Y-you don't have to- "

The beta brushed it off. "Nonsense! The owner of that store is a cheapskate and sells his things way to overpriced. Its not even good quality things, he gets it mostly from goodwill and Costco! No, if you need bedding and stuff we're heading to the mall. Besides, they have this really pretty dress I need to buy!"

Raelyn smiled at the beta, feeling calmer now. The eccentric brunette and the quiet one left, Isabelle talking about anything and everything to keep her up to date on the school. They had a great time at the mall, shopping for the bedding Raelyn needed and a few things; a few pairs of jeans and some art supplies. They ate dinner then headed back to the institute. Isabelle helped Raelyn get settled in before both got ready for bed. The beta was sound asleep while Raelyn stared at the ceiling for a bit.

"She may talk a lot... but I think I made my first friend." She smiled to herself as she closed her eyes and fell asleep herself, ignoring her phone buzzing on the dresser behind her.

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