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The atmosphere that had suspended felt dark and gloomy, so as the mood that had settled in this crisp and bittersweet afternoon. The clouds that were passing by blocked the supposedly shining sun, bringing in a feeling of despondency throughout the whole vicinity. The land that he had set foot upon reminds him of times of sorrow, just like the very feeling that was settled in his heart. All of these elements combined were a perfect match with his current state of mind, a feeling that had turned quite numb after how many years have passed.

Hoseok stood right before a grave, dressed in a brown fluffy coat with a sweater underneath. One hand held a red umbrella that kept him dry from the rain earlier while the other held beautiful pink Carnation flowers. His eyes remained fixated towards the name that was carved in stone, the name of the person who he had missed so much.

Park Jimin.

Even until now, it saddens him to see the name of his best friend written on that stone. But at the same time, seeing his name had made the ends of Hoseok's lips extend.

"Hey Jimin..." He greets his late friend.

A gentle breath passes through Hoseok's nostrils, sighing as he tries to put on a better smile. But no matter how much he tries to be happy, his heart would always throb from the numbing pain.

He thought that he had moved on, but right now proves that he had thought wrong.

"It's, been a while," Hoseok mentions, hoping to start up some conversation with him. "I'm sorry if I don't get to visit you as often as I should, but here I am now."

A gentle breeze flowed by, passing through his ear and sending him chills. It was cold, really cold, and even the warm clothes that he was wearing weren't enough to bring him total warmth.

He sighs into the cold air, a small cloud of frost forming in front of his lips. Maybe he should've worn gloves, he thought. Oh, how stupid of he. Looking down at his shoes, he catches the glimpse of the flowers that he had brought along with him.

Ah, right.

He brought flowers with him.

"Oh, by the way, Jimin, I brought some flowers for you." He carefully places the pink Carnations onto the top of the grave, set it right under the name of his friend. "I wanted to buy Azaleas for you, but then I realized that you've probably had grown tired of it which is why I decided to buy pink Carnations. You know, for a change." He chuckled emptily.

Standing upright once again, he locks his eyes at the name of his best friend. He shifted his lips, wondering what he should say next.

"How is it in heaven Jimin?" Hoseok asked. "Are you having fun up there? I hope you are and, I hope that you're having a better life up there than when you were down here."

He shoved his hands into his coat pockets, pondering on what he should say next. "You know Jimin, a lot has changed since you left. A lot of things had been going on with our lives. And also, I should also mention that I have other places to go, got a schedule to follow, but since I'm here now and because I haven't visited you in ages, I should spend some time with you and talk about what's been happening in our lives."

Hoseok sits on the grassy ground, removed his hands from his pockets, and placed it on his thighs. He inhaled, preparing himself to narrate to Jimin what had happened. "So, after you left, Yoongi and I started dating. Then, we decided to hold a funeral for you and called the rest of the gang and your family so that we can bid our final goodbyes to you. Of course, reaching your family was easy, but reaching the rest had some difficulties."

"So we called everyone else. Jungkook and Taehyung were somewhat easy since they were able to pick up the phone immediately. Namjoon was a bit difficult since there were times when he wouldn't answer which, to what we assumed, was because he was in his class or because he was busy. But we were still able to contact him. Jin hyung, lastly, had some complications. We were able to contact him immediately but then he said that he wasn't sure if he would be able to come because he was sick. Of course, that disappointed me because I thought that he was just excusing himself, but apparently, he really was unwell. And get this, the reason why Jin was sick was that he had Hanahaki for Joon and it turns out that Joon was also sick because he had Hanahaki because of Jin. Jin almost died actually, after your funeral. But don't worry, Joon was able to confess in time and he was able to survive." His voice softened. "Both of them survived."

"You reunited us Jimin, the whole gang was together once again, and there wasn't a single time when I didn't think of you." Hoseok smiles with sentimentality, replaying that memory of their reunion inside his head. "It was really nice and, I wished you were there with us."

Memories of the past once again flooded his mind, especially the ones with Jimin, and it had hurt so much. All the times that they spent together, the good ones, the bad ones, the ones that he longs to experience again but could never. 

Keeping his tears at bay, he continues, "anyway, after the reunion, we separated paths once again but then we made sure to keep in touch. We've chatted a lot more and, stuff has happened. Yoongi proposed to me," Hoseok blushed, "and we got married in Paris. Jungkook and Taehyung also got married and they adopted a boy. Jin hyung and Namjoon just got married recently actually and they adopted a girl. A lot of good stuff has happened these past years, however," at the thought of what he was about to say next, his lips downturned into a frown, "there were some downsides as well."

Once again, he looks at Jimin's name. With a regretful expression, he confesses to him, "honestly Jimin, things haven't been going well with Yoongi and me recently. So I think it's best if you know the story of what has been going on between us."

Hoseok's breath hitched. Then he sighed bitterly.

"The whole story."


Long ago was the last time saw each other
For years and years did I last see your joyous smile
Days have passed and times have changed, dear brother
Now I've got something to say, and this might take a while


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