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"I'm not perfect but, neither is Yoongi."

Hoseok lowered his head and his gaze landed on his hands. "We had some arguments in the past, but the one that we had on the day we came back from Paris was the one that hit me the hardest. It made me realize that we can't keep on arguing over the smallest things like this."

He placed his hands onto his thighs and released a breathy sigh. "After that quarrel, I've come to realize that I wasn't the person who I had hoped to be for Yoongi. I was lacking in so many ways I hadn't even thought of before, until then."

He balled his hand into a fist, pressed his lips together. "Probably he had thought the same, or maybe otherwise, I'm not so sure." His eyelids lowered. "But after that though, I did my best to change my ways and to improve so that I can become a better husband. Thanks to that, our arguments have lessened and our lives have never been better. It was a rollercoaster, to say the least." The end of his lips subtly curved to a smirk, a sudden sense of fulfillment and wistfulness splashing him like the gentlest wave. "A very tough rollercoaster of a life."

"I—" He coughed. Placing his fist in front of his lips, he stifles the succeeding coughs and swallowed his breath. "I believed that things would be better for us." He cleared his throat, speaking like his coughs were trivial. "As we have created our daily routine at home, a formula that only we could understand, our lives, for once, felt normal and our arguments have lessened from then on. We still had a few quarrels, I admit, but those weren't as bad as the one we had before, which was a good sign!" He grinned, but even that smile of his soon diminished and faded with the gloominess of the atmosphere.

"Well," he shrugged, "supposedly."

Clutching onto the material of his shirt over his chest, a wistful smirk had appeared on his face and his gaze softened as his eye bags grew heavier. "For a moment, I believed that things did become better for us. For at least a year, I believed that there was nothing that would get in the way of us nor would ruin the bond that Yoongi and I had. I thought to myself that since we have perfected our routine and now that we understand each other better, there was nothing in the world that could get in the way of us. We were in love, we were more than happy, our life together was perfect! I thought that it couldn't get any better than this? Can't it?"

He emptily laughed at the thought. However, that same empty laughter soon faded into silence as the ends of his lips melted to a frown. His glistening gaze had dimmed, and his heart grew heavy at the thought of what he was about to say next.

"But then, something happened."


"Wait up, Yoongi!"

For some reason, Yoongi was energetic—boisterous if Hoseok were to describe it—and he wasn't exactly sure why his husband was strangely so enthusiastic on a Sunday noon; wondering why his battery seemed to be over a hundred percent at this hour; questioning if he drank too much coffee for breakfast. Probably it was because he had slept early last night (a rare occurrence for anyone), or most likely because they haven't dated in a while—given that Yoongi had been extra busy in his job and that Hoseok had been out in the gym regularly, joining Zumba sessions, and working at his afternoon shift—but, any other way, Hoseok wasn't complaining. Moreover, he felt rather bliss about this.

Since now they finally have some free time together, Hoseok couldn't turn down Yoongi's request to go out on a date nor could he complain about his playful behavior. Although he was in question, seeing him happy did make him smile.

"Come on, Hobi!" Yoongi said aloud with a gum smile, stopping and turning as he waits for Hoseok to catch up with him.

Passing his husband, Hoseok questioned with an eyebrow raised and an amused smile, "Why are you suddenly so hyper today?"

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