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"Ever since the day you left, our love for each other had developed and we grew closer than ever before. Just like you wanted."

Hoseok fiddled around with his fingers as he found himself trapped in a cage of anxiousness. He pursed his lips and his sheepish gaze remained solely on the ground as he couldn't find the courage in himself to even glance at Jimin's name; his mind was pre-occupied with nothing but his troublesome thoughts.

Just by looking back at those wonderful and happy moments, the memories that he had cherished so much, made him feel sentimental to the point that he could feel his heart bursting inside his chest. Looking back at the times when he would smile with Yoongi, the times when they would laugh together, spend time together, make up the corniest pick-up lines that have ever existed, had just activated the fountain that he desperately had tried to shut off for so long.

Thinking about Yoongi had quirked the ends of Hoseok's lips into a bittersweet smile.

"Every single day with him felt like paradise to me. Every single damn day with him made me feel that it was okay to live another day of my life. His comfort, his presence, all of him reminds me that it's going to be all right, despite the negativity that had spread in this world, the negativity that was all over the place, everything will turn out to be okay."

As the memories continue to flood his head, he could feel the tears building up behind his eyes, making his bags grow heavier and heavier within a second or two. Immediately, he wiped those said tears away with his arm, trying his best to keep his composure together and to not tear up in front of the grave of his best friend.

Now wasn't the time to get emotional in front of him.

Finally mustering up the courage, he looks at Jimin's name and forced a smile. One that was rather tight, tense, and shows that he was sucking in a breath, and stifling his tears and his emotions.

"He was really happy with me Jimin, happier than I could ever imagine him to be." He emptily chuckled, then paused. The strong gaze that he had tried to keep hold of softened and his smile slowly faltered at the thought of what he had said and was about to say next.

"Or at least, that's how I remember the story went..."


The sun has risen once again, opening the door to a new day for the newly-wedded couple.

To start things off in this lovely morning of their honeymoon in Paris, they remained to be undoubtedly soundly asleep. It was around 9 AM at this time and supposedly they should be rising and getting ready by now. But their biological clocks seemed to have set their alarm to a different time, thus making them sleep a little over what was expected.

Soon enough, however, the sun decides to make its attempt of waking up the sleeping couple. The sliver of sunlight had penetrated through the window blinds, shining in front of Hoseok's pretty face as it beckons its brethren to rise and shine.

Hoseok shut his eyes tightly, not wanting to get up or to leave the comfortable position that he was in. As the rays of the sun continue to shine on him, he wriggled a bit in bed and had faced away from the windows, hoping to be able to fall back into slumber. But it seemed that his weariness has worn off and so he had no other choice but to wake up. Slightly opening his eyes and facing the ceiling, he sighed through his nose with a tired expression glazed over his face.

Today's a new day.

It was time to get up and to start this new day, Hoseok tells himself. Today was another day to look forward to and to spend as Yoongi's husband—probably the latter part of the sentence was the only motivation that he had for getting up every day by now. But even still, he couldn't help but be in the mood of not wanting to get up. All that he wanted to do as of the moment was to just lie down and relax, but currently, it seems as if sleeping again wasn't an option.

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