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The phone that was on top of the nightstand continues to ring relentlessly, vibrating on the wooden counter as the alarm goes off. The sunlight had somehow found its way past the curtains, and the rays of the sun haphazardly shined on Hoseok in hopes to awaken the sleeping male for the new day that was ahead of him.

With the alarm unstopping, almost instantaneously, Hoseok grabbed his phone and turned it off, sliding the gadget back on top of the nightstand as he laid in the same position for about a few more seconds. Despite his body feeling out of it, wanting to glue itself onto the mattress, and to sleep the day away, he knew to himself that he should get up by now no matter how tired he felt. With closed eyes, he released a prolonged yawn and forced himself to wake up. He heaved his body to sit up and stretches his arms out, awakening himself from his once-comfortable slumber.

Just as he was in the middle of his stretches, a reminder had ticked off inside of Hoseok's head, making his eyes to snap open and for him to come to a halt.

Wait a minute.

Hoseok snatched his phone and turned it on to check the date. At the realization of what day it was, his once drowsy expression glowed up, and his signature heart smile appeared on his face, seeming to be ecstatic to see the date on the screen.

Today's the day.

"It's today!" Hoseok loudly cheered, practically bouncing up and down on his bed in excitement. Wasting not another second, he threw his covers off, and he jumps out of bed. Placing his phone back onto the counter, he speeds through his daily routine as he prepares himself for the day that was ahead of him.

Today is the day, Hoseok repeats to himself. Today is the day when he finally gets to move out of his lonely apartment, and the day when he finally leaves Seoul City. Just thinking about it just made him feel even more excited than he should, made his insides feel tingly in an ecstatic sort of way.

Hoseok had been living alone in his apartment for around three years, and honestly, he wasn't sure why this was the case, nor could he even imagine how he was able to live those three years all alone. Maybe it was because the rent was cheap, or maybe it was because the place was closest to his job. He couldn't seem to recall. Any other way, his memories of him and his apartment didn't matter to him anymore because all that he cared about at the moment was his future. He was about to relocate and start a new life elsewhere, so why should he bother?

Besides, there wasn't much that he should remember about the apartment anyway.

He had been planning to move out for quite a while now, for a few months to be precise. After returning from the hospital a few months back, coming back home, Hoseok was struck with a sudden epiphany. As he stepped into the apartment, there was this atmosphere of sadness and loneliness that he could sense, and he wasn't sure why it was only then when he realized it. The place that he had been living in for three years had felt so lonely, and looking back at those days ever since he moved in, he had come to realize that he needed a change of lifestyle; to move out of the said apartment and to go someplace else. Maybe even explore the world if he had enough money to do so.

After going through his morning routine (taking a shower, fixing his bed, eating breakfast, the regular stuff people do), he pulled his luggage out of the wardrobe, threw it on top of his bed, and went on ahead to pack all of his stuff inside the bag hurriedly.

Although he still had plenty of time to arrange his belongings, he just wanted to get things over with and to get out of here as soon as possible. It was not from the reason that he hated his apartment (he never once despised the home that he lived in for three years) but because he was just way too excited to move out. He was prepared to get out there and to see more of his hometown. However, at the same time, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous as well.

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