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"Bye guys!" Hoseok waved at the camera with a huge smile planted on his face, bidding a farewell to his friends. Yoongi does so as well, with a tighter smile and softer voice compared to the former.

"See you guys."

"Bye Yoongi Hyung! Bye Hoseok!" Namjoon waved back with appearing dimples.

Seokjin, who was clinging onto his boyfriend, said, "take care guys!"

"We will hyung!" And with contented smiles, Namjoon voluntarily ended the call, finishing their long conversation. 

"Now that was a nice call," Hoseok mentions, proceeding to exit the windows and shut the laptop down. While he was at this, Yoongi, on the other hand, reclined on his chair with a visible pout planted on his face.

"Define 'nice'," says he, who almost playfully eye-rolled at that word.

Hoseok turned to his husband with a rather amused grin. Yoongi still seemed bitter about the previous topics, most specifically the one when Jung called him a grandpa, and he could tell. He attempted to stifle a laugh to prevent himself from being even more disappointed than he already was, but had failed as a few giggles managed to slip past his lips. "So the kid called you a grandpa."

"Because of his pesky parents," Yoongi bitterly interceded. "I wanted to hear him say uncle Yoongi. But what do I get? Grandpa Yoongi."

"But you gotta admit that he was adorable." Hoseok took hold of Yoongi's hand and smiled at him with his signature grin, hoping to assure him and to change his mind.

The blonde-haired male looked into his eyes and, though he wanted to argue with him, he couldn't help but concede. No matter how much he wanted to win this argument, he knew that when it comes to Hoseok, his defenses would always weaken and there was totally no point in trying to tackle with his offense. He releases a sigh of defeat. "Yeah, he is adorable."

Evidently, Hoseok's smile widens as his cheeks had puffed up and his eyes had formed into crescents. He was a beaming sun, shining brighter than any other, and Yoongi swore to god that being close to him would cause him to melt on the spot... The exact circumstance that his heart was experiencing right now.

Hoseok glances between Yoongi's eyes and his hand. Subtly, he intertwined fingers with him, and without saying a word, he stood from his chair and attempted to drag Yoongi out of his.

"Hoseok, what are you—" Yoongi couldn't even finish his sentence for he was both amused and bewildered by his husband's actions. Finally deciding to give in to him, Hoseok leads him to the couch, and immediately after, they sat down together and made themselves comfortable.

With their bodies facing each other, Hoseok rests his head against the pillow, looking at his husband with pure love and admiration in his eyes. Yoongi does the same, with his elbow propped onto the pillow, and with his head resting on his hand as a fond smile slowly emerged on his face.

Yoongi has the most adorable gummy smile in the world, and that was no lie. It was also one of the things that Hoseok loves about him. There were a lot of things that Hoseok loved about his husband and to enumerate them all, it would probably take up months and months just to be able to accomplish the long list. But if he were to put it simply, to summarize everything into one, he just loves everything about him and he's in love with him; an answer that was simple yet complete.

Hoseok places his hand on top of Yoongi's while he kept that sincere, unwavering eye contact with him. Quickly, he inhaled through his nose before spilling out what he had been meaning to say to him. "I know that we've been married for several days, but it still feels unreal to me that you're my husband."

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