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Arriving in South Korea for the first time in almost a month, they were expecting to see their best friends waiting for them by the arrival gate as planned. It's been a while since they last saw each other—a few years to be exact—and so Namjoon and Seokjin had offered to fetch them and suggested that they should hang out.

What they didn't expect, however—or in other words, what had brought Yoongi to surprise—was when Seokjin had emphatically shouted Hoseok's name once they had finally exited the gate, disrupting the once neutral atmosphere of the airport and earning weird stares from nearby tourists and locals alike.

"Jin Hyung!!!"

Hoseok shouts back, completely abandoning Yoongi and his luggage and ran to Seokjin, who had his arms already wide open for him. Hoseok jumps in for a hug, tightening the embrace as the older male does the same, laughing in happiness while the other two, who were notably less energetic but feeling happy and excited all the same, walked up to them from behind (with Yoongi having to drag Hoseok's heavy luggage as well).

Yoongi lets go of the luggage handles and grunts as he dropped the rest of the bags that he carried. After doing a quick stretch, he fixed his attention on Namjoon and smiled at him with his signature gummy smile. The younger simply showed him his signature dimpled one.

They went in for an embrace with Yoongi greeting him: "Hey Namjoon."

"Hey Yoongi hyung," the taller male replies, patting his hyung's back before pulling away.

After Hoseok and Seokjin were done with their boisterous greetings, they turned to the others and gave them hugs as well, greeting them with the same consistent, energetic, and enthusiastic vibe that they had.

"Oh my goodness, congrats again you two!" Seokjin beams, clapping his hands repeatedly.

"Thank you, Hyung!" Hoseok's smile broadens and so did Yoongi's who seemed to remain nonchalant about the situation.

"Yeah, thanks Hyung."

"Wow, I can't believe you guys are finally married." Namjoon breathed out in astonishment, crossing his arms over his chest with a furrowed brow.

"I can't believe it either!"

"Neither can I," Yoongi lightly chuckled, wrapping his hand onto one of the luggage handles, and had shifted some of his weight onto that side.

"How was the honeymoon?" Seokjin inquired in a singsong voice, glancing between the two with a glint of expectation in his eye. "I know that Hoseok repeatedly told me how it was before the flight when I called him, but I want to hear it in person! You know, hear Yoongi's side of the story as well!"

"Hold that thought," Namjoon clutches Seokjin's arm. "I know that you're excited and all and that it's been a while, but we should probably start heading to the restaurant." He reminded him, "Don't forget that we have made a reservation."

It was clear that Seokjin couldn't seem to control his excitement, for the feeling was just coursing through his veins and surging through his blood. However, he does his best to breathe in and relax, attempting to put aside his energetic, curious side and to focus on the current objective at hand.

"Right, right." Seokjin nods, agreeing. "We're gonna have a double date if that's okay with you guys."

Opposite reactions are what Seokjin received. Yoongi scoffs at that statement while Hoseok widely grinned at the idea.

"I'd like that!" Hoseok nods. "How about you, Yoongi?" He wrapped his arm around Yoongi's and links his fingers with his husband's own. He fails to catch the short-lived expression of surprise in Yoongi's face—the older male unexpecting his action—and looks up at him with a tender smile. "Do you want to go through with this double date?"

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