J • Donatello

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Because sometimes he thinks he's unworthy of you

Sorry I haven't been active. School had been kicking my butt.

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It was hard for Donatello when he found Y/n taking to Casey.

Or any of his brothers for that matter. It wasn't like he was protective over her, he felt a bit....empty. He tried ignoring it but when she smiled with her teeth; a smile that could make his heart beat so fast it was almost impossible. He loved her smile.

Only when it was towards him.

Not his brothers and Casey.

It was quite stupid for him to think this way. But all he felt was stupid. He just wanted to spend more time with her, no biggie.
But he also felt excluded. Just out of the circle that he felt like everyone was familiar with...except him. It made him feel the need to isolate himself and just occupy his thoughts that would be anything, but her.

As his girlfriend, she did hang out with him, but that could only be for so long. They looked like they were attached to the hip and Donnie did take in every moment he had with her. But that sense of envy still lied in his heart whenever she hung out with someone other than him.

It was such an ugly emotion to have and he hated it with a passion. The amount of insecurities he had of himself and how he viewed himself really played a factor.

Am I not enough?

You see? She has to leave you.

Why is she still with me?

Is her smile fake around me?

I never heard her laugh like that with me?

She doesn't love me.

It resulted in him crying himself to sleep whenever he thought of it. One night, she caught him. It was embarrassing to say the least.

"Love, we are having a movie night. I was looking for you everywhere," she knocked on the door. She patiently stood in front of the wooden door, rolling the heels of her foot as she grew slightly impatient. Nevertheless, she continue to stand for a couple of minutes but all she heard was a slight sob. Worry grew in her chest and she opened the door. "Love?" She asked in a small voice, a fragile tone that anymore could shatter the atmosphere around them.

The sobs continued, but grew louder since there wasn't a big piece of wood in front of them. She found her partner on his bed, blankets on him as he faced the wall. He began to cough, an attempt to mask his sniffles and his sobs. It was inefficient and failed. Maybe like this relationship they were having. "Donnie? Why are you crying?" Her voice was lowered as she closed the door for privacy.

With soft steps, she sat on his bed and didn't say anything else. She began to rub his arm, comforting him. She assumed that he was having a bad day, which wasn't a bad assumption truthfully. He did have a bad day, but not in the way as she thought. "Do- Do you even like me? As lovers." The question took her aback. One reason was that he was talking with a bit firmer voice than she would've thought and the question itself.

The words got caught in her throat, trying to find the right words to use to approach this situation. Donatello took her silence as a no, and exhaled a shaky sigh, using every part of him to not cry anymore.

"Of course I do. Who told you anything otherwise?"

"Myself." Her face softened at his response, saddened for the turtle.

"What gave you that thought?"

"It's just-" he breathed in with a shaky breath again, "-you always seem happier with other people than you are with me."

She got a bit annoyed at that statement but then realized where the root of the thought might of came from. "Believe it or not, I am the happiest when I am with you. And Don, you know that I'm a social butterfly, I like to talk with everyone I make contact with. Why didn't you tell me sooner that you were feeling this way?"

"Because I hate feeling this way."

"Hate feeling like what?"

"Jealous! I am jealous and I didn't want to seem the overprotective type. I don't own you or anything, so it felt weird for me to bring it up." A dead silence brought fourth them after he said that. She tried processing this, letting his words sink in. The silence brought some tension and some comfort. "I'm sorry." Y/n shook her head, looking down at the sheets of his bed that were wrinkled.

"You mean everything to me, I should be sorry for not showing you the affection you deserve." She began to tear up but didn't dare to sniffle so he wouldn't hear. She laid down on the bed and tried wrapping her arm around his shell. Donnie turned around, engulfing her in a cuddle.

"We both need to work on our communication, huh?" He chuckled half-heartedly. She joined him and nodded. After some time they fell asleep. Not long after that, Mikey came and knocked on the door because they were still waiting for them.

Without asking, he opened the door and found them fast asleep. Michelangelo smiled and left, closing the door. "Nah, they aren't joining us. Start the movie!"

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