S • Bruce

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Because he has a lot to look after

jason being a family person. that's it

Warning(s): mature language

 that's it•Warning(s): mature language •

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Jason walked into his father's office, in an attempt to hide from their game.

First four that were found had to clean the Batcave. Believe them when they said it took forever. Since Dick actually has a life and doesn't live in Gotham, he was the designated seeker. The thing was, they always called Bruce's office off limits and that it was a default disqualification. Jason could care less about the rules, and even less about following them. He always hid in there and then hid somewhere else. No one knew.

What he didn't expect to find was his dad sleeping at the desk. Red Hood's eyebrow raised in curiousity, but mostly in confusion. Since Bruce never sleeps in his office in the first place. The boy walked up with carful steps, grabbing a marker from the pencil holder, he uncapped it carefully but then his arm was held in place.

"Not a chance," the dark knight warned between his teeth. The boy rolled his eyes, closing the black marker.

"You're no fun." He sat on the desk as Bruce sat up in his chair, yawning. "Gonna explain why you are sleeping here Bruce?" The man scoffed, pinching the bridge of nose, closing his eyes, feeling the sensation of a headache growing in the front of his head.

"After all of that progress, we've gone back to Bruce. Heh." It took them forever for Jason to start calling him dad. At that moment, he realized that Bruce was for serious situations.

"Oh, changing the subject?"

The billionaire looked at the boy who displayed an innocent face. Another sigh was heard and he finally stood up walking around the room.
"I thought you all weren't allowed to hide in here for any of your little games." He was the one who made it off limits and had consequences of his own. Although, Jason found a way to hide in there without either of them catching him.

Jason's face dropped and the dry expression he had was dryer than the Sahara Desert.
"Oh, he's doing that now. Oh god," he muttered to himself, trying to not to get a headache. Whenever something bothered the playboy, he did a thing where he avoided confrontation.
Now, Batman knows how to avert it and direct it somewhere else, whereas his 'normal' persona decided to dodge it completely and act like it wasn't there.

Something everyone noticed.

"How amazing would it be if I told them that you decide to hide in here?" He threatened with a smirk and as much as Jason wanted to beg for mercy -because cleaning the Batcave was not an option- he also had something up his sleeve.

He hopped off the desk, wandering around carelessly. "And how amazing it will be when I tell them that you were sleeping at your desk?" There was yelling behind his door that was decibels louder than it should've been. The screams of fear and laughter echoed throughout the mansions.

The smirk got wiped off his face immediately and dropped in horror. "We make a truce."

How the Red Hood loved having something over someone's head. Although he knew his limits, he was fine with that. "We make a deal," he corrected. "You won't say a word that I've been here. Whether in the past or future hide and seeks. I won't tell the constant sleeping you do in this room, unless I know why?"

"And why would I agree to that?"

"Because you telling them would include me cleaning the mansion for three months. Me telling them would include them bothering you for the rest of your life."

The man's expression didn't change and he stared at the boy he raised. "Fine."

Jason smiled because it was a win-win for him and a lose-lose for Bruce. The man couldn't bargain either because when he knew what he wanted, he tried to get it. Which wasn't really helpful for the billionaire's case. He then sat down on the couch that was further away and the boy vigilante sat at the one across from him.

"I didn't expect to be your therapist."

The man glared at him as to which he tried to contain his laughter. But that was when Jason really saw him. The bags under his eyes and the life drained in his pupils. The sluggish movements and the constant furrowing of his brows, they were all signs he looked over.
"I didn't have a choice now did I?" In reality, he did. He could've gotten out of it with a third option, they both knew that. He couldn't lose to someone he trained and raised himself. He taught him how to negotiate like that. Bruce saw the cracks but ignored them. He needed a reason to speak. The white-streaked boy laid back in his seat, watching his father with precision. "Am I a good dad?"


He scoffed, poking his tongue out inside his cheek. "You heard me."

Red Hood rolled his eyes at his words. "Of course you're a good dad. Everyone loves you and you love them. You care for them and try to do your best everyday. It's obviously harder when you're a vigilante but everyone is a vigilante, they understand."

The playboy's eyebrow raised amusedly, his mouth lifting a little on one side. "And that doesn't apply to you?"

"Changing the subject, Bruce. What made you ask that?" He tilted his head in question, not saying anything about the wording of his sentence. He knew what he did and he knew what he meant. He left it at that and he wasn't going to speak about it.

The man looked away, breathing carefully while trying to calm his head and his brain. "It doesn't seem that way. I only ask you because you don't care about hurting my feelings." That statement was a lie but Jason wouldn't admit that. However, it didn't make his statement any less true. It was just a bit more heartfelt than he intended. "I am constantly thinking about everyone's safety and happiness that I forget about mine all the time. Clark was trying to talk to me about it but it became heroic or whatever. It made me realize how stressed I am."

Before Jason could reply, Dick burst into the office, as if he could sense sadness from a mile away. His empathy level was beeping because someone was sad. He was first of all shocked to see Jason there and he was even more shocked about the position they were in. Were they having a therapy session?

"What is going on?"

"Bruce is trying to carry the weight of the city again!" Jason points at his father.

Bruce points back with the same amount of pettiness. "He hides here for every hide and seek!"

Nightwing stood there in disbelief, at the both of them. There was too much to even unpack. He put his hands in the air as if he was surrendering -in a way he was- and called for Alfred. The butler came with his usual neutral expression. "Please make my room, we have a lot to discuss this week." He pinched the bridge of his nose -something he picked up from his dad - and walked away.

"Ah, shit," they said in unison.

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