Feigning Diamonds

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Hey! Just a quick author's note...

I do not own any characters that I did not make up myself (Thranduil etc.), only the ones I made (Idriel etc.), as well as the storyline.

This story is set a little after the events of the Hobbit. I made a realm that is obviously not part of LOTR or the Hobbit so that the story would make sense. This realm and citizens of it do not exist in Middle-earth, just in this story. Also, if the type goes into italics, that means what you're reading is a flashback.

The characters featured in LOTR and the Hobbit who are not elves will most likely not make an appearance in this story.

Quotes mark the beginning of every chapter, but do not directly pertain to the chapter's events. They'll resemble something fitting to the story or Thranduil. All the chapter titles will be either gems or stones-something perfect that makes me think of Thranduil.

Updates should occur regularly unless I say otherwise. Any questions can be asked through the comments or my inbox. If you want your question answered by me specifically, please use my inbox so there's little to no chance that I'll miss it!

I'll try to be neat about spelling and grammar, but if you see a mistake don't hesitate to point it out. Constructive criticism is a good thing as long as you're nice about it.

Wattpad is the only website I've posted this story on and the only website I'd like it to be available on. If you find it elsewhere, I'd appreciate it if you'd let me know.

I don't like asking for votes and comments so you'll never see me request them, but I do appreciate them :)

Thanks for reading! Enjoy!

©thecastlebuilder 2014

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