I was about three when my training started, when I was told I was force-sensitive and recruited by the Jedi order. Of course, being so young, I didn't have the slightest clue what was going on. But I do remember my mother saying to me,
"Delta, behave yourself and you'll be fine. One day you will come and find me when I'm old and grey. Soon enough you'll be training with Markcol."
Markcol was my brother, he was two years older than me and was recruited by the Jedi order a year before me.I remember when they came to "collect" me. Two tall men in long, swaying brown robes arrived at my small house on Naboo and announced themselves as Master Windu and Master Qui Gon. They were both very friendly and spoke to my mother very respectfully, they had met her the year previously when recruiting my brother. My mother seemed incredibly surprised to hear that her second child was also force sensitive. But I was so young and I had no idea myself that I had these abilities.
"You must be Delta?" Master Qui Gon said, kneeling down to my level.
"Yes sir, Delta Nova."
"I've heard you are a very special little girl." He
spoke softly to me, I felt safe in his presence."I am?" I asked excitedly.
"Yes. You have a special force within you, you might not know it yet, but what you have is very strong."
"Like the force my brother has?"
"Yes, like the force your brother has. Delta, are you good at guessing, finding things?"
"I'm very good at finding things. Mother says it's like my special power."
"She might be a seeker then." Master Windu said. "I told you I had a good feeling about her."
The next thing I knew I was wishing my mother goodbye and hugging her tightly as Master Windu and Qui Gon reported back to the Jedi council. As soon as I arrived at the Jedi temple on Coruscant I was squared away and shown to the sleeping quarters where I met the other force-sensitive children. There was one very lovely lady looking after us all, she was like a nanny, making sure non of us got into too much trouble.
My early training in the Jedi Arts started immediately the next day, where we were taught about etiquette, how to address the Jedi Masters and the Jedi code. For us young children, it was a lot to take in. However, something within me almost knew that I was supposed to be here, like this was the path I was meant to be following. During our lessons, Master Windu and the other members of the council would pace around us, observing what we were doing. Something stuck out to me about Master Windu, I felt as though I had a connection to him, as though he was focusing on only me. It was also in these lessons that we learnt about the Force for the first time, and I finally understood why I was there. I finally understood that I wasn't like other children and why my mother always called me "special".
After a few months of training and lessons, I was beginning to get the hang of using the force. Master Qui Gon said that I was learning faster than the other children and picking things up at an impressive rate for someone of my age. But I also started to miss my mother and I often thought about her back on Naboo. However, I knew that she would be proud of me.It was just after my fourth birthday that I was reunited with Markcol. I remember the feeling that came over me when I saw his face for the first time in what felt like a lifetime. His sandy brown hair and familiar blue eyes seemed as though they hadn't changed at all. He had passed 'the Gathering', in which he successfully found his Kyber Crystal on Ilum and was almost ready to move onto higher education. I was happy for him, and he was happy to hear that I too was doing so well in my training.
Two years of my training passed, and now, it was my turn to travel to Ilum and face the rite of passage at 'the Gathering'. Me and the rest of the younglings that I had gotten to know over the two years were bundled into a silver space craft, escorted by Master Windu, Master Qui Gon and Master Yoda. I had never met Master Yoda before this point, but I had heard much about him. I was honoured and elated to be in his presence.As soon as the space craft doors opened, when we arrived on Ilum, an icy cold wind struck me. We were taken to a huge temple, hidden deep with the snowy mountain. There we claimed our kyber crystals to use in our lightsabers. I can't begin to explain the feeling that came over me in those moments; the rush of excitement, joy and fulfilment pumping though my veins as I was ready to move onto further, more advanced training.
When we arrived back at the Jedi temple, it was announced to us that we would face the Initiate Trials in the coming days. These were a series of tests we had to complete in order to become a Padawan and be apprenticed to a more experienced Jedi knight or Master. At first I was nervous about these tests, but Master Windu took me to one side and said to me,
"I have every faith in you Delta, I know that you are strong with the Force. You have no reason to worry. May the force be with you."
I'll always remember what he said to me that day; he gave me so much support and confidence.We were put through the Initiate tests and each one got increasingly harder. They were designed to test how we would react under pressure and see if we could keep to the Jedi code at all times. There was one final test at the end which each of us younglings would take individually. It was made specifically for you and no one else. Nearly three years ago, Master Windu had said that I 'might be a Seeker', and it was in this test that I finally realised what he meant.
I walked into a room, on one wall there was a glass window where the Jedi Council were watching me on the other side. In this room there was boxes, scrap and clutter everywhere.
"Delta, without searching around the room, tell me where I have hidden the bowl." Master Qui Gon said over an intercom system.I took a moment to think, analyse my surroundings and, using the force within me, take in what was around me.
"It's under the box over there, in the left corner." I said pointing to where it was.
"Very good. Now, what about your lightsaber, where have I placed that?"
Again, I looked to the force within me and mentally scanned the room, whilst not actually moving from where I stood.
"It's in the big box behind me, next to the two smaller boxes."
"Impressive, Delta." The other members of the council looked impressed and nodded there heads at each other.
"Again, where in the room have I hidden the blaster?"As I used my senses to search, I could feel in that something wasn't complete.
"There isn't one. You haven't hidden a blaster."Now the members of the Jedi council were starting to mumble to one another and smile at my ability.
"Very well done. And finally, where is my apprentice, Obi Wan Kenobi?" Qui Gon asked."That's a little harsh don't you think?" Master Windu interrupted, but Qui Gon ignored him.
"If you need to take a minu-"
"He's in training room 4, on the third floor of this Jedi Temple." I cut him off.
Master Qui Gon said nothing. A big slow smile grew across his face and nodded his head slightly at me.
Master Windu looked at me too, he was happy and proud. He face showed expressions of joy and he gave me that "I knew you'd do well." Look.In the following days, me and the other younglings would find out whether or not we passed the initiate tests. I remember when they lined us up outside the High Council Chamber, all of us filled with nerves and butterflies. One by one we were taken into the High Council Chamber and find out whether or not we had passed.
I will start by saying that Delta's padawan and youngling years will be fairly fast moving and quick, this is purely because I wanted to get to the main (and more exciting) parts of the story faster!
I'm open to feed back and constructive criticism.
Thank you for reading, I really hope you enjoyed. :)
Star Wars: The Forgotten Student
Fanfiction"Trust is a two way bond. How can I trust those who don't trust me?" The young Jedi Knight, Delta Nova, dedicated years of her life to the Jedi Order only to have it all stripped away after making one mistake. Losing all trust and self worth, she...