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I felt my heart drop.
"Blank! What do you mean?!" I exclaimed.

"There was nothing on it. No list, no names...nothing." Obi-Wan said.

I was immediately confused and almost scared. Maybe it was part of a bigger plan? Or even a distraction for something worse?

"I don't understand, why would they make a fake Holocron?" I asked.

"We don't know." Master Windu replied.

Then suddenly, I had a bit of a brain wave. Anakin, Obi-Wan and Master Windu continued to discuss the holocron, but their voices became a background noise as I thought to myself...
My clone...she kept saying that we would be stronger together...that I should join her...work by her side and unleash my full potential...what if she knows  something we don't? I was obviously cloned for a reason, but that reason isn't very clear. What if the holocron, was just a trap.

"What if it's me?" I said, leaving my bubble of thought.

"What?" Anakin questioned.

"I think the Separatists want me, or at least want my seeking ability. The Holocron was just bait, to lure me in."

"But they already have you, that clone, she's made from your DNA." Obi-Wan said.

"Yes, but maybe it's not what it seems. On the outside we're the same person, but maybe we're not completely the same on the inside. We don't know much about this clone yet; we don't know how alike we actually are."

The others seemed to agree with me, they slowly nodded their heads as the understood what my point was.

"I think it's time we asked your twin a few questions." Master Windu said.

"You should get that wound looked at first, Delta." Obi-Wan said, gesturing to my cheek.

And so I did. I went and found a medical droid, it gave me an injection to ease the pain and slight swelling, and cleaned the graze with some antibacterial gel which stung quite a lot.


We went to see my clone, who was locked up in a cell. She was bound to a chair with no way of escaping, clone troopers surrounding the exit.
Master Windu, Obi-Wan, Anakin and I all entered the cell, looking down on her.

She had a smug smirk plastered across her face.

"Let me guess," she started.
"You opened the Holocron and found that it was in fact empty?" She sarcastically mocked.

"Yes. And we'd like to know why." I bluntly responded.

"You're going to tell us." Anakin sternly said.

"What if I don't want to?" She narrowed her eyes at him.

Can't lie, I got a little frustrated and went a little over the top, but I went over to her and got right in her face before saying,
"You don't want to know what will happen if you don't talk." In an intimidating voice. Her facial expression dropped and I slowly backed away, keeping eye contact with her.

"Is she even allowed to do that?" My clone asked.

"Well...technically she's not a Jedi." Master Windu said, for the first time in a long time he actually backed me up.
"So let's start simple," he added.
"What is your purpose; why did the empire 'create' you?" He asked.

She looked to the ground and sighed before speaking.
"I guess you could call me a back up plan." She shrugged her shoulders.
"The Separatists obviously have a great interest in Delta, for her seeking ability and strong connections with the Force. Which is why they used Markcol to lure her in. Once they had her, they wanted to break her, try and make her turn to the dark side. But they failed."

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