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I sprinted after him. Down the alleyway I chased him.
"Stop!" I shouted after him. But he didn't. I must give it to him, he was a fast runner. The alley way opened up onto a grimy street, dotted with gas lamps.

"Why, so you can arrest me?" He called back to me, glancing over his shoulder.

He kept the bomb firmly gripped in his arm, clutched against his chest. I thought that maybe he was running to a get away ship or something, but either way, Giran knew these dirty streets better than I did.

I was starting to catch up, but he took a sharp left down another thin alley. I was almost close enough to tackle him. However, ahead of Giran was a steep flight of slippery, concrete steps, which I couldn't see at first.

Giran came to a sudden halt and I went crashing into the back of him. Together we went tumbling down the stairs, all the way to the bottom. Everything went black. I must've knocked myself out because my vision was blurry and my thoughts were hazy when I opened my eyes. There was a few other people on the street with shocked looks on their faces, some of them covering the gasp with one hand.

I looked beside me to see Giran lying, also unconscious, on the cold, damp pavement. I stood up and brushed myself down. My elbows were grazed and I could already feel the bruises forming.

"Giran Kaylak..." I stared, panting and out of breath. "I'm arresting you...under suspicion of..."
I stopped. I sensed that something was wrong. All around Giran head was a puddle of thick, red blood. He had very obviously hit his head, and pretty hard too by the look of it.

I knelt down and placed my two fingers on his neck, hoping that I would find a pulse. But I didn't. I tried again as I started to panic. But again, I found no sign of life. Giran Kaylak was dead.

'Oh dear.' I thought to myself. 'This is bad. This is really bad.'.
My mission was to question him and possibly arrest him, not kill him.

Suddenly I heard running footsteps coming towards me. I looked up and saw three underworld police officers heading towards me. They were wearing long, heavy leather and metal armour, with a mask that had mechanical eye coverings and a helmet which was longer at the back.

One of them knelt down and also checked for a pulse on the body beside me.
"Sir he's dead." The officer said, looking up and one of the others. 

"Officers, I can explain." I said, quickly standing to my feet.
"I was sent here to arrest him, but he ran off and I chase..."

"I don't want to hear it, Jedi. Everyone knows that your kind are trouble." One of the masked officers interrupted, his voice muffled through his mask. 

The other two came up behind me. One grabbed my arms tightly, whilst the other clasped a pair of hand cuffs around my wrists.

"What are you doing?" I protested.

"You're under arrest for the murder of this innocent man."

"Innocent? I was sent here to arrest him! He was planning a violent attack! Look, he even had a bomb!" I looked to the body of Giran Kaylak, but there was no bomb to be seen. I used my seeker sense to try and locate it, but I couldn't get a strong enough lock on it, but I knew that it was close.

"A bomb you say?" The officer mocked me.

"Yes. I swear..."

"I've heard enough rubbish for one day. Take her away." The officer waves his hand. The two officers behind me had a firm hold on my upper arm as I was escorted through the murky streets of the underworld.

I was taken to what must've been the 'police station'. The lights inside were bright and my eyes had to adjust to the sudden change from the streets outside. I'm front of me was a control panel, operated by a security droid.
"State your name." It said with a mechanical voice.

"Delta Nova." I said. I was being obedient and doing what I was told, as to be honest, I was a little nervous.

Suddenly, a red beam shot out of the droid's eye and took a scan of my face. The red ray must have moved up and down my face and least 6 times.

"You are not recognised." The droid said.

"Yeah well I'm not from around here." I said sarcastically.

"Take her to cell 375A." The droid said to the officers besides me. From there I was pushed along multiple corridors and past numerous cells. There was all kinds of people, creatures and cyborg shouting from within them. Eventually, we came to an empty cell, with nothing but a flimsy bench for a bed. One of the officers opened the door whist the other removed the handcuffs. Then, I was full on shoved in and fell down to the floor. I turned to the officers, both of them just sniggered and walked off without saying anything.

So there I sat, in a holding cell, alone and scared. My communication device was seized when I was arrested, so I had no way of reaching out for help from the world up top. I didn't know how long I was going to be there for or if I was going to get any help. I sat down on the flimsy bed and slumped my head into my hands.

Honestly, I was a whole mix of emotions. A man had died because I had chased him down the street, however, I stopped an attack on the royal family happening. I never intended to kill him and I didn't even know if it was actually my fault. My head was running loops around itself as I tried to figure out how exactly I should be feeling.

A few hours, which felt like days, slowly went by and finally, someone arrived at the cell door. Unfortunately for me, it was Master Windu and Obi Wan Kenobi. They were also with a prison guard, who was dressed in a long, drab cloak. Both of them looked at me, disappointment plastered clearly across their faces. The guard opened the metal bar door and I stepped out towards them.

"Master, thank goodness you're here!" I exclaimed, leaping to my feet.
"You won't believe the day I've had..." I continued. But I was cut off by Master Windu. He said nothing, he just raised a hand to tell me to stop talking.

Silently, he turned and began to walk down the corridor.
"Thank you, we'll take it from here, officer." Obi Wan said to the guard before also walking away.

I followed them back to a ship. As we flew back to the surface, I tried and failed to make conversation. Obi Wan and Master Windu were sat at the front of the ship, in the pilot seats, whilst I sat just behind them.

"Am I in trouble?" I nervously asked.

"Yes." Master Windu very bluntly said.
"The council have been told what happened and they are not at all happy." He added.

"I'm sorry, truly it was an accident."

"You had one objective, Delta! Did you not learn anything from your years of training?! A man died today and the council is more than likely going to put you on trial for his murder!" Master Windu began to raise his voice.

Obi Wan dared not interfere.

"I didn't want to hurt him at all! He tried to run and I thought I was doing the right thing by chasing after him! Master, do you not trust me when I say it was an accident?" I protested back.

"It not about whether I trust you or not. The council will decide your fate."

And that's when it really hit me. My own master didn't trust me anymore. I sat back in my chair and felt my eyes well up. A lump in my throat grew as I tried to hold back the tears. If my own master didn't trust me, then who else would?

It was a horrible feeling; trust is a two way bond, how can I trust those that don't trust me?

This is the chapter which essentially kicks off the start of where I want Delta's real character journey to begin. I'm really looking forward to writing and posting more. I hope you enjoyed and thank you for reading!
Always happy for feedback or constructive criticism! :)

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