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As I flew through space, stars moving in fuzzy lines ahead of me, I picked up my holoprojector and called for Master Windu.
He appeared as a small, blue hologram from the silver, circular device in my hand.

"Delta, how did the mission on Kashyyyk go?" He asked.

I said nothing. I tried to get out words but all I could do was cry.

"Delta?" He asked again.

"He's dead! Markcol is dead!" I let out a cry, my voice cracked and croaked.

"What?" Master Windu quietly and confused.

"We were ambushed. Outnumbered. There was noting I could do."

"I'm so sorry. He...he was a good man." Master Windu, lowered his head in despair.

"I'm on my way back to Coruscant now. Please Master, will you be there when I arrive?" I wiped the tears from my cheeks.

"Yes of course. I will alert the Council of this tragedy."

"Thank you." I wept before ending the the hologram.

I slumped back into my pilot chair and watched the stars wizz by, trying to fight back more tears. Soon enough I was back at Coruscant. I came out of light speed just outside of the atmosphere and flew down to the Jedi temple.

I landed in the ship docking bay and just sat there for a minute. I started to feel numb, my hands began to shake and legs started to tremble. I stood up and opened the ships door. I practically fell out of the ship, straight down onto my knees, where I buried my face into the palms of my hands.

I heard footsteps coming towards me, but I didn't look up. I flinched as I felt a hand touch my shoulder. I looked up to see Master Windu crouched by my side and Obi Wan Kenobi standing behind him.
"It's alright Delta, you are safe now." Master Windu said to me in a low, calm voice.

Again, I couldn't respond. My eyes turned glassy and I just broke down in tears.

"It's my fault." I whimpered.
"I froze; I couldn't bring myself to react. I watched him die and did nothing."

"Delta non of this is your fault." Obi Wan said, kneeling down to my level.
"No one could have predicted the events that took place today. You were faced with a bad situation that you had never been in before, it's understandable as to why you panicked." He added.

I liked Obi Wan, he was wise and kind and always spoke in a sensible and respectful manner; he made me feel safe.

"As hard as it may be, the Jedi Council will need to hear your account of what happened, a Jedi was murdered and we want to know the perpetrator and the reason." Master Windu said, standing up and also helping me to my feet.

"You don't have to tell them today though. Take a few days to rest and recover, be strong." Obi Wan said.

Still very tearful, I bowed to Master Windu and Master Kenobi then began to walk away.

"Delta," I heard Master Windu say.
"I am truly sorry about Markcol. I can't imagine how you are feeling."

I gave him a small sorrowful smile and continued to walk away.

I went back to my sleeping quarters and spent the whole night doing nothing. I struggled to sleep; every time I closed my eye, the image of Markcol being murdered was printed across my thoughts. I tried meditating but it was no use, nothing could rid me of the flashbacks.

The next day I woke up having only a few hours of sleep. I couldn't clear my clouded head, I was trying so hard not to picture Markcols body where ever I looked. I had to shake these thoughts. So I decided to take a walk, just around the Jedi Temple, and try to free my head.

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