Chapter 5: The Meeting

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Saint had no idea where the stranger had come from or that anyone could even get that close without him realizing. "Oh my god!" Saint jump and spun around effectively bathing the front of both his and Zee's shirts with red wine. When he saw the stunned, somewhat amused look on Zee's face he quickly grabbed a handful of napkins off the bar. "I'm so sorry you just startled me." He said as he dabbed at the stain with utter futility. "Oh your shirt is probably ruined, I'm such a klutz sometimes, I..." He was abruptly cut off as Zee placed his finger on Saint's luscious lips, gently but effectively quieting his rant. "No need to worry, I will gladly sacrifice the shirt for the opportunity to meet you." Said Zee smiling suggestively. "Uhmm, thank you but I'm not really sure it's a fair trade, that shirts Armani." Said Saint backing away from Zee's outstretched finger. "And besides I'm just here keeping my friend company, I'm not looking for a date." He said turning back toward a stunned silent Perth. Zee shifted his gaze to Perth and assessed what could be his competition. Perth was strikingly handsome in his tailored suit and perfectly styled hair. His dark brown eyes and full lips seemed to glow with a mischievous smile. He could be a problem, but Zee would not be easily dissuaded.

Perth quickly recovered his ability to speak when he noticed the impressive, well dressed man glancing between him and Saint

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Perth quickly recovered his ability to speak when he noticed the impressive, well dressed man glancing between him and Saint. "You'll have to forgive my clumsy friend here, he has a tendency to loose his mind around handsome men, and let's just say you definitely fit the bill." "Well, thank you very much for the compliment and the information. I'm Zee, very pleased to meet you." Said Zee extending his hand towards Perth. As Perth went to returned the handshake he recognized the name. "Perth, nice to meet you Zee. Wait you wouldn't by any chance be the same Zee that owns this club?" "Yes, I do in fact own the club, have we met?" Zee asked as he mentally scrolled through his brain searching for a connection to Perth. "No, my assistant has a boyfriend who is a manager here. He actually got us in or we'd probably still be in line outside." "Well seeing as I only have 2 managers and Sammy and her girlfriend don't share, you must mean Mew and his foul mouthed little boyfriend Gulf." Zee stated, finally putting all the pieces together. "Ah judging by your tone I see you've met Gulf." Chuckled Perth, amused at Zee's rather accurate description of his assistant. As Perth and Zee continued to discuss the annoying tendencies of an absent Gulf, Saint took the opportunity to sneak sideways glances at his handsome, all be it somewhat overbearing host.

While the tailored suit fit to perfection, it still concealed most of Zee's body

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While the tailored suit fit to perfection, it still concealed most of Zee's body. Saint could tell that Zee was well built and while they were similar in height, Zee seemed to somehow walk taller. Maybe it was the air of confidence that seemed to surround him or maybe it was simply that he thought he was better than everyone else. It was to early for Saint to make that determination. What he was sure of however, was that this imposing, deadly handsome man made him nervous. Zee suddenly turned and locked eyes with an embarrassed Saint. "I have a private washroom in my office upstairs where you can clean up and I can get you a fresh shirt to wear. By the way I don't believe I got your name yet. " Said Zee leaning toward Saint to whisper that last part. "My name is Saint and I'm flattered but like I said I'm not looking for a date." "Who said anything about a date, dumbass he just asked if you wanted to change your shirt." Interrupted Perth with devilish smirk, not willing to let his "to shy for his on good" friend miss this golden opportunity. "You could of course accompany us if it would make you feel more comfortable. " Offered Zee in an attempt to appare gentlemanly. "Naw, he's a big boy, he can take care of himself. Besides your bartender's shift is about to end and I hope to be otherwise engaged before you two return." Perth confessed while glancing over Zee's shoulder at said bartender. Saint glared as his traitorous best friend turned and walked toward the end of the bar where the handsome young bartender was divvying up his tips for the night. "Well it seems as though your friend is no longer availible to keep you company. Would you consider me a suitable substitute?" Saint chuckled and rolled his eyes, finding the whole situation quite absurd. "Ah, a smile at last. I was beginning to loose faith in my abilities. Now about these shirts!" Said Zee gesturing down at the matching red stains both men were sporting. "I can see you aren't going to let this go, so fine I'll accept your offer of a fresh shirt, but that's it. I'm not sneaking off to get it on in some bathroom stall, like some horny teenager." Saint said as he rose from his bar stool and stepped closer to Zee. "Well Mister Armani, lead the way."

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