➽chapter one❥

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N/n : nickname
M/n : male name
L/n : last name
G/n : grandma's name
Gf/n: grandfather's name

Word count: 1672


Author's pov

M/n, a young boy of six, found solace in the warmth of his grandmother's love has he lived with her, while his parents, heroes renowned for their valor, were engulfed in the relentless demands of their profession. Among their busy lives and responsibilities, they chose to live with Endeavor as F/n had a good relationship with the fiery hero and they both viewed each other as unrelated brothers of sorts. Amidst the gleaming prosperity of their lives, the house owned by m/n’s granny, Niigata, stood as an oasis of affection to him.

Within the confines of their neighborhood, two distinct figures held sway over M/n's routine – Bakugou, the grumpy blond with an aura of intensity, and Midoriya, the green-headed boy exuding a quiet determination.

Or as what m/n would call them, izu and katsu. Much to the latters retorts at the alleged childish nickname.

Their daily routine unfolded like clockwork at the local park, with Midoriya often the initial occupant, followed by M/n's arrival as the two played around together, and inevitably, Bakugou's intervention to whisk M/n away from what he deemed as the company of a "loser.”

Then izuku following anyway. While both mothers Inko and Mitsuki had a wonderful conversation with G/n. Probably sharing their kids' embarrassing photos. (Why? Why? Why?)

As Bakugou and his companions marched along the path, their footsteps echoing against the backdrop of nature's symphony, a sudden misstep sent Bakugou careening towards a fallen log. With a sharp intake of breath, he felt a small hand latch onto his hair, its grip firm yet delicate.

"Oi! What the hell are you doing? Let go!" Bakugou bellowed, his voice reverberating through the tranquil surroundings. But as the child's hold on both the log and Bakugou's hair began to falter, a sense of urgency gripped them both, their voices mingling with the chorus of their companions, including Midoriya.

In a heart-stopping moment, they slipped in unison, their cries merging into a cacophony of adrenaline-fueled chaos amidst the serene backdrop of the forest.

As M/n neared  on the brink of what seemed like impending doom (though in reality, it was hardly a perilous height), he squeezed his eyes shut and summoned all his inner strength, envisioning himself defying gravity and floating through the air.

Then, amidst the tense silence of his imagination, a sudden splash shattered the illusion. But to his astonishment, he remained dry, the sensation of water eluding him despite the unmistakable sound echoing below him.

Bakugou's pov

As M/n and I plummeted from the log, I braced myself for the impact of the water below. Yet, as I plunged into the river's depths, the absence of another splash caught me off guard.

'Is he still clinging to the log?' I wondered, my mind racing even amidst the chaos. Despite a minor scrape on my elbow, I brushed off any concern, asserting my well-being with a confident proclamation to the worried voices above.

"I'm fine! No need to worry!" I called out, my words laced with determination. But as Midoriya extended his hand towards me, offering assistance, a small “here” leaving his mouth, a surge of conflicting emotions swirled within me.

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