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V left me in a snap just like Lisa had. I tried to contact him for help as I needed shelter now that I am homeless. But to no regard, he declined my calls and did not answer any of my texts. I even tried going to his apartment but he was not there anymore.

It was then that all had sinked in to me that I had let go of the person who had truly loved me. Who despite my infidelity, silently gave me a chance to correct it but I did not, I was too blinded with the lust and temptation.

I chose the person who after hard times, suddenly turned his back to me and disregarded me like a piece of shit. I realized how much of a fool I have been.

It was then that I decided to swallow my pride and asked Jisoo for help.

"Chu?" I sobbed.

"Jennie are you okay?" She asked me worriedly.

"I need somewhere to stay Chu." I paused choking a sob. "I was kicked out of the apartment. Lisa might have sold it after... after she found I cheated on her last night. I am homeless Chu..." I  did not know anymore what to say or how to beg. Jisoo did not knew what I had done while still in a relationship with Lisa. I kept it all to myself.

I heard her sigh from the other line, I was already expecting her to decline. Who would help a cheating friend right?

"Okay. Wait for me outside of your complex. I will pick you up." I bursted in tears, thankful that my friend of mine will save me from the trouble that I, myself, had created. "Calm down, Jen. I'll be there wait for me okay?" I answered okay and she immediately hang up.

True to her words I saw her car drive towards the apartment complex ten minutes later. She opened her trunk and gestured me to load it up to the back. After doing such, I entered the shot gun sit and immediately engulfed her in a hug. 

"Calm down. Everything will be alright. You will be alright."

She then drived towards her rented house. As soon as we entered, she explained to me "I know it is kinda small, I hope you can bear for it for awhile."

"I more than grateful for your help Chu. a roof under my head would be enough no complaints to that." She then led me to sit to her couch and offered me a glass of water to calm me down.

She soothed my back and said "we humans tend to make a lot of mistake and we should accept those kinds of facts. Ask her forgiveness and accept the consequences." I sniffed after hearing those words.

"But for now take some rest okay." She cupped my face. "You are lookin like a believable mandu now." She lightly pinched my cheeks. I pouted at her.

She led me to my room and tuck me in bed. Before she went outside I engulfed her in a hug and said "Thank you so much for this unnie. I... owe you big time." 

She soothed my hair and looked at me softly "What are sisters for right? I know when I would need your help you would be there for me in an instant. This is just a phase okay. Face the trial head on so you won't have any regret but for now take your rest because that is what your body needs." And she kissed my forehead good night.

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