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Seeing the person I have yearned to see for all these years have finally shone herself. It was as if I was dreaming

Lisa. I thought.

"You know me miss?" I did not expect that I spoke my thoughts out loud. However, before I could answer, I saw a girl who latched herself closer to Lisa. "Lis, let's go."

"I'm sorry." That was all she said before returning her attention to the girl and allowed herself to be dragged towards their table.

I did not even notice that all I did was keeping my gaze towards their direction while still in place. It was then that I was brought back to reality as RM approached me and asked "You okay Jen?"

That was then when I faced him properly and answered "Yeah. Let's go." And he nodded assisting me towards the exit. As soon as we arrived back at my place, I did not properly said my farewell to the guy because all though out the ride home even if he conversed with me my mind was elsewhere. He must have realized my behavior as he did not push for more and merely said our goodbyes.

I then settled myself in the couch still in daze in seeing her but what I was shocked to know was she did not remember me at all. And the girl that she was with I did not know of.

Did something happen to her? Was she just pretending to have not remembered me at all?

All those thoughts were disturbed as I heard my phone rang, without checking who the caller was I swiped the green button to accept the call.

Jen what the hell?! It was Jisoo unnie who was shouting through the line.

What happened unnie? I asked calmly not knowing the cause of her sudden outburst.

I called RM. He said he had a wonderful date with you but how come you were distant in the end? You said you will give this a try.

I did give it a try unnie. In fact it was a wonderful date amongst the others whom you had set me up with.

Then what is the matter Deukie? Tell me so I can convince RM to takke you on another date. She desperately stated. I am quite thankful for this trait of hers actually. But, an unexpected encounter had occurred leaving me no slol ace to accomodate a new suitor. Deciding it was best to explain to unnie my sudden distance I spoke, She's back unnie.

Whoose-- she did not even finish the sentence maybe due to her surprise. It can't be. Lisa is back? I nodded but after recognizing that she could not see me, I answered Yes. I saw before leaving the resto that RM and I ate at. But do you know what's worst than seeing her?

I breathed first as I suddenly lost my breathing pattern upon remembering what had happened.

She could not even remember me unnie. And I hangged up as I broke into tears knowing she was back. But it seems that she is too far away.

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