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After knowing from Jennie that Lisa had come back, I honestly did not know what to do or to say. My emotions were somehow all over the place.

However, I did my very best to make Jennie understand that regardless of the encounter they had, I gave her the assurance that everything would be alright.

After calming down my bestfriend, I decided to call the one person to blame for all these surprises.

You manipulative lass, you are. After all this time you honestly don't know how to keep your promises, do ya? I angrily mutter. My tone signifying how grumpy I am for the moment.

I could not always control where she goes. She explained while sighing. And besides I am sure that you already know that she is taken as of the moment. That girl is the reason why Lisa can hardly be spoken to.

Speaking of the girl, I suddenly remembered that Jennie did mention that Lisa was accompanied by someone for dinner. But she did not specify any information regarding the girl.

Do you know who the girl is?

She is Lisa's new PA. She sticks to her like a glue and never let's go. I am pretty sure she would be a problem in the future.

I then answered, well she already did. Jennie saw them together while she was on the date I fixed her with.

I heard a sudden gasp from the other line, that can't happen. Not when Lisa has not fully recovered just yet.

I sighed knowing she was right. But with the situation of having the ex lovers see and even interact with each other after a long time. I asked for the information that I can deal with as of the moment.

Do me a favor will ya? Give me the name of the girl.

You cannot harm her Jisoo. Lisa has them surrounded with bodyguards.

I am not dumb. Besides, I wouldn't have resort to such means if you looked out for Lisa. Now give me the info. I demanded to her in a very rigid tone.

She is Bae Joohyun sometimes known as Irene. Twenty - seven years of age and just recently transferred to Seoul from Busan. I had very little information regarding her background that is why I don't trust her with Lisa but she had a liking at Irene making it impossible to step in.

That won't be a problem. As long as she is possessing the same identity as you have said. Then surely I can still locate her roots. She is in my territory now, I will not let her pass that easy. Not in my watch. Anything else?

Once again I am sorry for having no control on the matter that it led to this.

It is inevitavle afterall. We cannot forever keep her in the dark. Regardless keep me posted about Lisa.

Will surely do.

I then hanged up. I won't let this matter get pass my control. I won't see my friendship cry her out and suffer once again. Not on my watch.

If I will need to dig up the grave of the past to ruin Lisa's trust to Irene then I will do just like that.

You will be at peace with Lisa soon Jen that I promise.

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