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I have never planned to introduce myself to Lisa once again.

Despite that truth that I wanted to fix her relationship with Jennie, I just could not bring myself to meet up with the person who holds the heart of my love.

I am now here at a small coffee shop near the Manoban Enterprise where Lisa had told me to meet. And looking at my clock she was about ten minutes late.

I glanced at the entrance once again as I heard the door opening, it then revealed the blonde lady who truly took her time coming her. Acknowledging that she might have not remembered me, I raised my hand making her turn and proceeded towards my direction.

"You must be Jisoo, I am Lisa. I am sorry to keep you waiting." I shrugged at her indicating that I did not mind and signalled her to take her seat.

"To what pleasure do I owe Ms. Manoban for her to call me out here and meet up?" Her smile suddenly vanish and turned into a serious mode.

"I won't make this long so I will cut to the chase." Her eyes darker than before. "What are your intentions behind everything? Doing things behind everyone's back for what?"

I straightened my posture and leaned forward. "I am Jennie's bestfriend Lisa. And I will do anything to make her happy."

It's as if she had come to a sudden realization "You love her"

"More than you can ever imagine Lisa - sshi." I confirmed.

"Then why not make her yours instead of pushing her back to me?"

"It is plain and simple actually, it is because it is not me that she love but you." I saw a smile appearing in her face.

"And you do know that if I tell her all your dealings like going behind her back she would retaliate right?" She wanted to intimidate me though she looks tough but she is not scaring me, not one bit.

"You can tell her if you want. I kniw I would lose her." I paused and sternly continued. "But if she realizes that what I did was all in good faith she would come back. And I will still accept her even if she cannot give me the commitment that I had wanted."

I saw her gritting her teeth.

"Just accept the fact Lisa - sshi that not everyone who is helping you has any ulterior motive that could ruin you." I stated calmly. "For once think of your bestfriend. Let us say she did work behind your back but it was for your own good because admit it or not you are one love sick fool."

I then stood up but gave her a last advice "Jennie is back with you. She even told you the truth. And you might admit it or not to yourself but it is her presence that you truly crave. Forget the cruel past Lisa - sshi it will do you no good." I placed my hand on her shoulder. "Rosie and I did those things because we knew that you and Jennie truly belong with each other."

She was frozen in place and I took that as a sign to leave with a smile on my face especially upon seeing a message from Rosie.

Meet me tonight?

Gladly. And the kept my phone and walked away.

Hola. Not sure if I can finish the remaining chapters for today or maybe tomorrow. Please bear with me a little hehe trying to make the plot as interesting as possible.

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