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After I woke up the next morning, I reflected on what Jisoo had said.

I decided to take a risk and face Lisa today. I know what I did was nowhere near something that is forgivable but I want her forgiveness. Nothing else matter's.

As soon as I have arrived, I went directly to her office. But before I could reach it, her secretary had blocked my path.

"I am here to see Lisa." I calmly stated at her. But she shooked her head and said "I am sorry Miss Kim but Miss Manoban insist that no one shall this disturb her for today." I quirked my brow at her and pushed past her without any warning.

"Miss Kim!" I heard her shout. Her voice was so loud that as I enter Lisa immediately faced my direction. "Miss Manoban I --" She cut off her explanation with a gesture to leave us be and her secretary bowed in compliance and excused herself.

"Lisa." I began but her eyes were dead set at me. "What are you doing here Jennie? I made everything clear last night didn't I?" I began to tear up. "Please Lisa give us a chance."

"Don't you think you are too late for that?" She looked at me, anger evident in her eyes. "You had too many chances to ask for it Jennie. And I could not give that you anymore. No more." She paused "You had hurt me so much. And I think it would be best if you give up and walk away before I could do much worst." I was not able to reply when her office door opened revealing one of our common friend but her bestfriend Rosie.

"Oh God sorry! I hope I did not intrude?" She asked apologetically. "You are actually right on time let's go Rosie." Lisa stated.

Before they could leave Rosie faced me and asked "You coming with us Jen?" Before I could respond Lisa cut me off. "Jennie was just leaving she had an important matter to attend to. Right Jen?" She asked daring me to answer otherwise. I gulped "Yea I was just going. I have an important meeting to go through. You guys have.. uhmm fun." And with I sped off away from them. You are a fucking coward Jennie. I said internally to myself.

I arrived in Jisoo's apartment worn out. My head was bowed down with my shoulders slump in defeat.

"How did it go?" Jisoo asked as soon as she had spotted me. "Worst I guess. She did not gave me a chance to fix it. To fix us." Jisoo said nothing but embraced me, the action I just needed more than of the words.

Once I calmed down she pulled away and asked me to join her for dinner but I politely declined. All the events that had happened made my apetite go away. Thinking about everything, I badly want to slap myself for being so dumb to let go of Lisa by sacrificing our love because I lusted over someone other than her. And in the end the guy left me.

I cried and cried with such realization at bay. I slept with tears stain on my cheeks hoping for a better day tomorrow.

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