Chapter 26: For what its worth

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Another chapter of 'The Broken' I hope you'll love this!! 

Chapter 26 

~ Rab's P.O.V. ~

Argh, sore all over. Stiff neck, bad back, what else? "Rab." I open my eyes slowly to see Amy looking at me with sympathy. "Can you give Ameerah and I a moment?" early in the morning and she needs a moment with her sister? Ugh fine. I get up and walk lazily to the door. Maybe I need some fresh air. Ah, I need to go home for a bath anyway. 

I raise my hand up but find no strength to shout out for a damn taxi. Its-- freakin eight in the morning! Who wakes up at eight in the morning? Gah, forget it. I'm going home by foot. 

My eye lids start to get heavy again as I stumble at some of my steps. Damn I feel so damn drunk. I'm sure I didn't drink. A store lights up catching my attention. "JD!" With new energy, I run to the store hoping they have what I want. "Yo, I want some JD!" 

~ Amy's P.O.V. ~

Thank goodness Rab went out! She was too sleepy to notice Ameerah's still asleep. "Excuse me. Rab I--" I turn around to see Dr. Maccabee. That doctor won't tell me a thing! She thinks I can't handle it? "Amy, thank goodness you're here." Wait, what? "This is really urgent. May I talk to you outside?" I nod unsure such sudden change but follow her out anyway. She sighs. "We have to take that baby out of your sister's system." her voice calm yet her expression says otherwise. 

"But I thought--"

"Its not healthy, Amy. Maybe I let this go too far off. Its my fault. I just felt so sorry for her and I thought this depression may help but we need to get that baby out of there ASAP." her eyes narrowing at me in concentration. "Its enough to loose one life. We don't want to loose two, right?" 

~ Rab's P.O.V. ~ 

Ah, the smell of JD in fresh air. This is what I like! I walk down the street ready to get it all down my system till I hear a twig snap. "SHIT!" What is it now? I turn around to see him again. "What the fuck do you want?" And I thought for a moment that this day can go on peacefully. Guess not. 

With the same mask on but with a hood over him, he smirks at me and takes a few steps towards me. I stand my ground not giving in to fear. No damn fucking way am I letting him near.

He keeps a fair distance just looking at me. "Spit it, why the fuck are you here?" 

The stranger, or shall I say stalker, shrugs. "Just observing." Observing? 

"Why are you fucking following me?" He pulls his hood down revealing black hair, all messed up. Gin. Shit. No. "Gin?" he chuckles lowly walking towards me even more. Shit, that bastard is back! He's the one who has been following me all this time? Shit, he's even the one that caused the trauma! "Get the hell away from me you bastard!" I shout. Where the hell are the cops? Why does he always have to be here where there's not even one single bitch around here to help me? 

"I don't know what you're talking about." a smile playing on his lips. 

Oh fuck, he knows what I'm talking about. "What the fuck are you playing at Gin?" I hissed. His stops in his tracks, frozen as his smile curves into a solemn frown. So... he gets that I fucking know him! "I'm not a stupid bitch, Gin. But I don't know what game you're playing but I know it's fucking stupid and I don't like it so stay the hell away from me, Amy and Ameerah, got that?" I turn away from him and walk towards my house.

"So this is where you live." What? "Its a nice place." he said quietly looking my mansion. 

I turn back to him and see satisfaction in his smile. "Yeah but I'm never going to be rested unless you do me a favor and dig yourself a fucking grave!" 

"And that would satisfy you?" his voice dangerously low and serious. 

A life without Gin... "HELL YEAH!" 

~ Amy's P.O.V. ~ 

"NO! Amy," she turns to me with red eyes. "You can't do this to me. You're my sister!" 

Dr. Maccabee sighs heavily, like she always does, then signals the nurses to hold her down. "I'm sorry Ameerah but this is for your own good. Its not healthy to keep the baby in there." her expression looks bored but her voice sympathetic. 

Ameerah thrashes around trying to get away from the nurses' grip. "NO! YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME! MY BABY IS STILL ALIVE!" then she turns to me. "FUCK YOU! I HATE YOU, AMY!"

My heart crumples as she said those words. She doesn't mean it, she doesn't mean it. No, she does. Why am I lying to myself? I turn to Dr. Maccabee. "I change my mind--"

"Amy you signed it. We're going on with the procedure." Shit, no she can't do this!

"STOP!" Ameerah silences and everyone seems to freeze. "Let go of my daughter." I turn around to see Crystal pushing in my mum, who's sitting on a wheelchair. "I said let go of my daughter!" she ordered wheeling up to Ameerah. 

"Mum?" Ameerah's eyes wide at the sight of our mum's frail body, paled and aged face, and the great loss of her beautiful hair. Tears start falling from her eyes as my mum gets close enough to her.

"Ameerah, baby, mommy's here." Ameerah bends towards her and hugs her in an instant catching all our attention. "Its all right, baby, mommy's here, mommy's here." she cooed.

(Play video at the side) 

~ Rab's P.O.V. ~

Butterfly Culture... 

Shit, what have I done? I just fucking told him to kill himself to set me satisfied. "What the fuck have I done?" I'm back here again, back to square one. I thought I was over him, for good this time, but look where the hell am I. Here in a fucking mansion with my back against the door and ass on the floor and JD bottle half empty; I'm listening to Benjamin Francis Leftwich like he fucking owns my black soul. "Is this what I get?" I shout out to whoever. "Why'd you come back you ass hole?" fuck you Gin. Drinking a bottle full of you isn't even fucking enough.

Black tears start to fall making my head poud with all the alcohol and depression. "Ah fuck it. FUCK MY LIFE!" I get up with my legs wobbling like jelly. They give up causing me to crash down on the marble floor. "Argh, fuck." I hissed looking down at my new bruise. Why can't I get him off my mind? 


"Ann," I look up to see him looking at me with such beautiful eyes and a stern expression. "Will you marry me?" his eyes search for the answer in mine. For the love of God! I nod smiling, knowing that even if he'd ask me before I'd say yes. "Then let's run away. Just you and me." his eyes then change from nervous to gleeful and adventurous. 

I bring my hand around his head to intertwine my fingers in his hair. "I love you." 

His grin widens. "I love you too. So much." he bends down, our lips meet, paradise... 


"ARGH!" I clash the JD bottle against the wall earning cuts both deep and shallow. "Shit." again my back meets against the same wall. I don't fucking care if I'm bleeding, I just fucking love him and I told him I wanted him to die. Fuck me...

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