Chapter 04

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Chapter 4: The Cause♦

It was a bright, new day within the Imperial Palace.

With a parasol covering me from the dazzling rays of the sun, I took a walk around the main garden with my personal bodyguard.

"The weather is nice today, isn't it? Aiden.", I conversed with the knight that followed me from behind, with a friendly smile.

"It certainly is, Your Majesty.", he replied to me with a gentle smirk.

Aiden Faremanne.

A captivating gentleman with a pair of purple irises, along with his coal-black hair. His eyes would make you wonder of what he is thinking through at times. He mostly gives off an impression of a caring and unpredictable person.

He was supposed to be an esteemed knight that lead the Western Division. However, was sent to be by my side as a personal bodyguard of mine.

It was quite assuring that the Emperor met the conditions that I set in the contract. But one problem was...

"Say, Aiden. Was it really okay for you to leave the Western Division?", I straightforwardly questioned out of curiosity.

I overheard rumors, saying things like the Division that he lead was being too dependent on him for he was like a figure from the above that they truly respected. But now that Aiden left the Division, how will the knights that were left behind by their leader manage things accordingly?

"I'm sure they will manage somehow.", he cheaply answered with a seemingly tender yet fake smile.

It was an extremely unexpected, blunt response but... what??

In my perspective, it bothered me a lot for I completely comprehended it with a different meaning.

I doubted his charismatic, outwardly false-smiling face as I stared at him with slight suspicion.

"I-it appears that you are quite confident of them.", I phrased, pointing out something.

Thereafter, he placed his left hand in his chest and kept his beaming look, saying,

"Well, that proves how I put my trust in them, Your Majesty."

Now that I perceived the meaning behind his words, my suspicion has been cleared.

And now I know that this guy...

Decided to abandon his overly-dependent subordinates and ran away from their persistence.

"Moreover... I think this was the best for them.", Aiden continued, changing his demeanor to a serious one.

"They are knights. They mustn't carry on with such behavior. And if so, then they would simply end up suffering from humiliation. They should learn how to stand with their own feet. Because if not, they are not worthy to be called as a knight.", he added.

Thereafter, I stared at him for a while, then had a smirk.

And as I went near his range with my parasol, I patted him on his head momentarily, though I struggled a bit due to his height that was slightly higher than me even if I was in my heels.

He looked flustered and embarrassed that time that made me feel like his unpredictable impression vanished without any traces left.

"Y-your Majesty. This is-"

When he spoke that way, it felt like I was sort of teasing him thus I stopped petting his head.

And as I held back my hand, I gently smiled and said,

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