Rehab For Vigilantes

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"Sometimes justice is better served by those who have experienced the pain."

—Mark W Boyer—


It's been two hours since the chaos ensued. Hawks himself had carried Remi to the infirmary to get her wounds tended to. A smirk tugged at his lips to the sight of the doctor and Rin arguing over Remi's slumbering body with restrained arms and legs.

"How the hell do you expect me to treat her with all these restraints?!" The man known as Doctor Stein motioned angrily at Remi.

"Believe me, It's necessary. She nearly killed Hawks!" Rin snapped gesturing hand over at his winged friend/colleague.

"Oi! She did not!" Hawks interjected.
"She was holding back, but yeah, if it had of gotten any worse she could of done a lot of damage. I have to agree with Rin doc, she's unstable as hell."

"She's knocked out, she won't wake for another hour at least!"

"Be that as it may, do what you can. DO NOT take off the restraints!" Rin warned with a glare.

"Fine, now if you will." The doctor ordered accepting defeat as he gestured the two out of the room.

The doctor got to work as the two left the room.

The two walked down the long corridor to the meeting room where the rest were waiting.

"So, did you find more information on her?" Hawks asked curiously.

"Nothing substantial really. A lot of missing and redacted files." Rin replied with a sigh while flicking through the files in his hands.
"I'd have to apply to get them which I wont now because it will probably cause unwanted attention which we certainly do not want right now."

"Broken home apparently, trouble maker, she's been arrested a few times for assault. Though there is one thing here, lets see here hmm... Ah! She was involved in a big incident three years ago. Most of it is redacted but whatever happened she was exonerated so don't need to follow it up at this moment."

"Is that so?" Hawks replied. One thing that stuck in his mind since the fight was that how she now knew everything about him. He didn't like that at all, he felt violated how she stole the memories of his life like that. He was going to find out her deepest darkest secrets no matter what he thought with vex.

The two arrived at the office where the meeting was held. The outcome of this meeting would seal Remi's fate.

"Ah you're both here, take a seat." Yet another suited man commanded.

"Is she still out?"

"Yep, won't be awake for another hour but we don't know with her so let's get on with it." Rin requested with an annoyed tone, it wasn't even 10:00am and he was over the day already.

20 minutes into the meeting...

"ARE YOU INSANE?" Did you not see what she done?

"I did, buuut I think with the right training she could be useful."

"I'm conflicted, she would be a very good asset. Her skills and quirks are quite formidable. But at the same time she could be a liability but then again, her information on how she finds her targets and eliminates them fast is very valuable."

Yes, with that we can crack down more on these gangs and organisations with our control."

These were the comments that caught Hawks' attention as he sat and listened to the others argue and debate on what to do at the same time he was looking at the pictures of Remi on the table. While she was out, she was stripped and pictures of scars, tattoos, birthmarks and other body marks were taken and written down.

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