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Author: There is a lot of dialogue in this one, this was my favourite chapter so far to write.


"Consider your origins: you were not made to live as brutes, but to follow virtue and knowledge."

— Dante Alighieri —


Leonard Montgomery or Lenny he usually went by, was a simple man, born in a small village in Britain, never wanted much in life, only to travel and be free and to do what he wanted to do. Not to be a hero, even though he had a powerful quirk. It didn't interest him all. Just wanted a normal life but that soon changed when the physical emotion quirk was bestowed on to him from his uncle. He never wanted this quirk but couldn't deny his uncle his dying wish for it to be passed on, so he accepted it. Lenny had a good life, good family he was fairly happy so never really saw the dark side to it like Remi did but knew all about it from his uncle, in the letter he left him before he died from a terminal illness. It was a burden to him to have it so he went out on his dream to travel and to also find a successor, killing two birds with one stone.

Beginning his story to tell Remi he was preparing for many years, Lenny found relief in finally doing so "I met your fathers right hand man, Johnny McAvoy in a pub one night when I was in Ireland traveling and hoping to meet someone I found to be a worthy successor." Remi listened intently as Lenny finally started to reveal all the answers she was looking for all her life.

"I quickly became good friends with him and thought he could be a successor. I told him about it and he said he knew someone who would use it better, I thought nothing of it because I trusted him. That was always my downfall, I was always too trusting, always tried to find the good in people." He sighed at the last part. "I could of met Hitler and be like, yeah he's a good man!" His downfall cost him his life.

Laughing at his analogy, he had a dark humour like her "You know I killed Johnny yeah?" Remi said nonchalantly at the memory, she had no regrets killing him. He got in her way, it was kill or be killed, he knew as well as anyone involved in her fathers world, your survival is never guaranteed, no matter who you were and he was also a cunt and brown nose in Remi's eyes she hated him, always ratting to her father about her if she wasn't doing what was expected of her. Good riddance, but a part of her was worried how she didn't care for the fact she took someone's life without hesitation and that she could do it again. Her survival instinct was probably one of her best traits and biggest downfall, something her father could never of beat into her, it was something she formed herself in order to cope, to survive the shitty hand she was dealt. The killing without remorse trait, she knew her father had killed people and worried it was a genetic thing.

Knowing this Lenny replied with a smile "I know, I see and feel everything you do. I live on spiritually in you. Obviously not physically because you'd have a me sized tumour coming out of you." He laughed and Remi replied the same, even more because Lenny had such a contagious hearty laugh it was impossible not to join in. She liked his humour. Where ever she was, she felt at ease in this moment with him "Anyway, on with the story, I'll explain the quirk after."

Back on earth Hawks woke up at 5:30 am, his usual time and saw Remi was still in the same position, she was in a comatose state, unaware she was having a conversation with a man who lived in her subconscious. No way was she working today he decided, not wanting to go himself but as the number 2, you don't get much time off. Giving her a kiss on her head before he got up, he got ready, wrote a note for her and left to do his patrol, hoping she felt better after she got up.

In the void Lenny continued his story "I met your dad and I must say, he deserves an Oscar, put on a big spiel how he wanted the world to be a better place and how he and John and the others that worked for him helped people from villains and all this shit. Showed me "what he did", it was all an act and I believed him. Told me he wanted his first born to be born with a powerful quirk so he could train them for his cause, fight for good."

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