Affection Is For The Weak

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"To show affection was a sign of weakness; the only thing worth demonstrating was strength."

— Chinua Achebe —


Remi arrived at her apartment building after 20 minutes of walking, Hawks wasn't too far behind her flying from building top to another keeping on her tail. She was right, she lived in a shitty run down area, watching the drug addicts, beggars and the just straight up undesirables roam around from above.

It's a good place for her to live, to keep out of sight and to hide. That's what Hawks deduced because why the hell would anyone come by this area? Flying discreetly on top of the building he now had the job of finding which apartment she lived in. He let one of his feathers detach from him and directed it into a hall window. He concentrated until he picked up a vibration.

Turns out he didn't even need to use his feathers because he could hear her talking loudly he'd know that accent from anywhere now it was so distinct. He followed the source to another hall window, he dove down and just slightly peered his head upside down in the window.

There she was, banging on a door.

"Mrs. Takahashi? Are you in?" Remi shouted with worry in her voice. Mrs. Takahashi could be out but Remi's mind went to more intrusive thoughts.

What if she fell? What if she died? Oh my god I need to check on her.

"I'm coming in!" She stammered as Hawks watched her take a hair pin out of her hair, twisted it into the desired shape and used it to unlock the door with finesse. Why am I not surprised, he internally guffawed to himself. Remi walked in and checked the apartment, she wasn't there, she must of went out. She'd have to wait until she got back. She wouldn't stop worrying until her saw her.

She walked out of the apartment, locked the door and walked back into hers next door on the right. Hawks floated back up and flew to the other side where he would find the window to Remi's apartment. He soared down around the window so he wouldn't be spotted, he hung onto the ledge hanging off the window. Her window was wide open. He could hear random noises and shuffles until it stopped. Not even his feathers could pick up a sound.

Before he had time to react, Remi had jumped out the window grabbing onto the ledge and used her legs to lift Hawks and kick him into the apartment. He crashed on the apartment floor while she jumped back in.

Remi continued doing whatever it was she was doing without a word, leaving Hawks on the floor.

"How did you know?" He asked while standing up while rubbing the back of his head.

"Because I'm not stupid, I knew you would follow me, do you really think I'd believe they would let me walk out of there on my own?" She barked at his audacity to think she was stupid.

If she was stupid she would've been caught or dead long ago, he wanted to follow her anyway. See what she was like outside of the whole hero/vigilante/villain scene and to get information. He looked around the small scruffy apartment and noticed how empty it was. It was clean but had little to no furniture.

"You don't have much stuff?" He mumbled curiously, looking at the sad excuse for a sofa.

"I don't need stuff." She replied with annoyance at his nosiness while waking into another room.

"You don't even have a TV? What do you do for fun?" He blurted, perplexed at the fact that someone could live without a TV.

She walked back out the room in different attire, grey sweat pants, socks and a bra, Hawks got a look before he looked away being respectful. More small scars covered her front, she was fairly slim but toned, she worked out from what he could see. Standing at 5'4, she was shorter than him but a year older. He never usually went for older women but it was only a year, no big deal. He mentally slapped himself for thinking that way about her, yeah he found her really attractive and wanted to go where probably no man has gone before given her personality and what she does for a living she probably doesn't have time or didn't care for relationships. But It wasn't the time for that now.

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