The Ol' Switcheroo

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Author: This chapter is a bit spicy if ya know what I mean 😉


"You just need to put yourself in someone else's shoes and then see how they feel and then you will understand why they are reacting or why they are behaving the way that they are behaving. We need to be fair."

— Navid Negahban —


Remi and Hawks were out in the city patrolling, it had been a slow day until an alarm rang in their ears.

"Quick!" Hawks shouted while picking up her up and flying to the source of the sound.

"Looks like a bank robbery, you evacuate." He ordered her just before landing.

"They're already nearly out, let me help!" She complained.

"NO! Help out here." His voice dripping with seriousness.

"No HeLp OuT hErE" she mimicked in a childish tone.

She had started to help but noticed an unusual man escape from the side of the building, leaving the other heroes to evacuate, she followed the man down an alleyway.

"Hold it!" she ordered, startling the man.

"I ain't done nothin" he spat.

"Oh yeah? Why you trying to escape then? She quipped back.

"Fuck you!" The man snarled while firing a ball of slime towards her. She dodged it and made a run for him only to be stopped by a flurry of red feathers surrounding the man. Cutting him, making him immobile. Just as she was about to look around for Hawks she was pulled up from the ground and flown away.

"I fucking told you not to intervene!" He hissed.

"I just thought I could help!" She pleaded.

Hawks ignored her and continued his journey back to the agency while gripping her tightly.

Shit he's pissed.

Flying through his office window, he placed Remi down and ordered her to sit on the chair. She did what she was told. She didn't like Hawks serious but she couldn't help but feel the dull ache between her legs when he changed.

She was about to apologise again but was caught off guard when Hawks charged for her stopping right in front of the chair. Stomping a foot in between where her legs were. Inches from her face, his scent set sparks off all over her body.

"I told you you would be dealt with if you went out of line." He growled in her ear his breath tickling her, adrenaline now pumping in her veins. Putting a hand behind her head and catching a fist full of hair, yanking her head back and started to assault her neck with kisses, bites and licks. She moaned to his touch not sure what was going on but rolled with it, because deep down she wanted this.

"Oh you like that huh?" He purred in her ear now crashing his lips on to hers with lustful hunger, she was about to wrap her arms around him but he moved away. Getting up he released his feathers toward her, ripping her suit off in shreds, calling them back, he lifted her up and slammed her down on desk, undoing his pants and positioning himself on top of her and moving what was left of her underwear to the side.

"Keep going out of line and see what happens!" he growled again with manic lust in his eyes.

"I'm sorry?" She apologised yet again in confusion, is this punishment? I'm not complaining but hot damn.

Without warning he entered her hard making her cry out in sweet agony while he threw his head back with a pant at how good it felt inside her.

Muffling a groan in his throat from her tight walls, he looked down on her with a sensuous smile biting his lip.

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