A Hero In The Making

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"We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey."

— Kenji Miyazawa —


Author: Hi yall! The video below is what fighting style Remi uses. I chose this because capoeira is cool as hell and I feel it suits her personality best. Aikido is more of holds, lock moves and throws. It will be explained more as the story goes on and on with the story we go!


Waking up from a broken sleep of a mix of bad dreams from her past and Hawks' memories Remi fully woke to noises coming from next door, hearing an unfamiliar mans voice she jumped out of the bed and ran to the door tripping on the way. "Ah fuck!" She yelped in pain from the fall but getting up quickly swinging the door open again with such ferocity it gave way and now was nearly hanging off.

"Hey hey heeyyyy! What the fuck?!" She snarled while in just a shirt and underwear and her hair like a nest at a suited man as she watched other people move stuff out of Mrs. Takahashi's apartment.

"Are you Remi?" The suit said with gruff.

"Who's askin'? And what the hell?!" She sassed then hissed motioning to the belongings being taken out of the apartment.

"This is for you, and we're from the hero commission, we're moving out your neighbour as requested." He replied not so friendly handing her a phone.

Looking at it, it already had two messages.

Babe😍: Mornin :) guess who? Also this phone is for you.
Babe😍: if I can, I'll meet you at your place before and I put a word in, they should start moving her out ASAP and fyi wear something you can fight in, your exam is today :) love you ❤️

Half asleep and getting more vexed as everything is happening so fast and Hawks naming himself as babe on her now new phone. Remi checked the time on the phone, 7:45 am. She proceeded to text Hawks back.

Remi: Well they sure don't waste any time do they? They're here now I was about to kick them out the window I thought they were evicting her and I'm not even going to start with the last thing you said.

Sending the message with aggression, Remi walked into the apartment to find Mrs. Takahashi telling the movers what to take.

"Remi! Good morning! I didn't think it would happen so fast!" She beamed seeming unfazed at the fact strangers turned up and started moving her out.

"I'm sorry Mei, I didn't think it would happen so soon." She apologised.

"No no it's fine, the nice man outside said I'll be moving to a residential house for the elderly and it will be close to you. I'll be around other people my age and they have carers too!" She replied happily and again Remi was getting concerned that she genuinely didn't care they up and moved her so fast.

The man from outside came in and his face softened as soon as he saw the old lady who radiated contagious happiness.

"We're just about ready Mrs. Takahashi." He smiled.

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