Chapter 1

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The sun shined bright through the curtains of sixteen year old Georgia Bray’s bedroom. Another day she dreaded like any other, it was no different, same routine, same place it was never different. Georgia groaned to herself while rolling out of bed, she checked the time it was 5:40 and her alarm was yet to be set off, she still couldn’t put her finger on why she always woke before her alarm.

She sighed to herself and sat up off of her bed not knowing what to do at this hour of the morning, school wasn’t for another couple of hours. She decided to have a shower, for quite a long time, Georgia didn’t mind long showers, it numbed her body out and she seemed to forget her troubles in reality and she went off in her own world.

Georgia made her way into the bathroom feeling incredibly weak from just waking up, she walked into her en suite and took her pink frilly nightie off while staring at her now naked body. She couldn’t bare having to look at her reflection each morning, she was beautiful, but she never admitted it or saw it in herself, she was obsessed with being skinny. She thought she was fat, she hated her long luscious auburn hair and the freckles surrounding her face. The only thing she liked about herself where her bright green eyes, she felt that was the only thing she needed to take care of with herself. She was a fragile mess and she knew it, she knew she was skinny but not skinny enough. Maybe that’s why no one bothered with her, because they probably thought she was some crazy in the head teen. But she wasn’t, she grew up with the idea of being perfect in her head, and soon it became an obsession. 

Her mother always cursed at her saying, “If you’re not skinny and gorgeous you’ll never be able to have a happy life.” 

The memory of her mother saying that to her own daughter pained her, I’m sure any other mother would be happy with how their daughter were, weather overweight or underweight, Georgia’s mother cared too much. Nowadays her mother nor her father took much affect of her life, they would often visit Yorkshire when they weren’t busy around the world being rich snobby people. Georgia’s parents both took over Sony and since then the money never stopped pouring in. The only thing they left for their young teen daughter was money and lots of it, along with the housekeeper Kaylee. She was middle aged but was Georgia’s only friend. Georgia once had a friend by the name of Alexis in 7th grade but her parents split up and Alexis ended up moving to the other side of the country. Georgia still had Alexis on Facebook but ever since she moved she never said a word to Georgia. Usually Georgia would be the sneaky girl she was and look through Alexis photo album to see her being the popular looking girl always at parties, she envied it. 

Georgia wanted to be popular and fit in but no one seemed to notice her, she even knew herself she had the perfect personality but she never stood out. 

After what seemed like hours of showering and scrubbing herself to smell fruity and good she decided it was time come out of the shower and finish her morning routine. 

She browsed through her almost bedroom like wardrobe and seemed to be struggling with something to wear, even though she almost had the whole store of TopShop in here. She finally decided to go with something more lower class, she decided to chuck a baggy woollen jumper over her knowing it would still make her figure slightly bulgier, it didn’t bother her too much, today she was tired. She then grabbed her Cheap Monday jeans slipped them easily over her legs, she was coming to realise that her size had dropped, it was what she wanted but her stomach was screaming to be fed, she told herself that she was to suck it up, she’d be perfect soon enough, just a little longer. 

She dropped on her knees to find her vans under the bed, she slipped them on and then walked over to her desk grabbing her textbooks and a pen. She never needed to bring much to school, they never learnt much at that god damn school anyways. She almost forgot to apply some sort of cover up on her face, she was so tired and she couldn’t be bothered with anything. She dropped her books loudly before applying a small amount of blush and a lot of layers of mascara onto her eyelashes, she fluttered them a few times before turning away from the mirror and continuing her journey downstairs.

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