💗𝖪𝗈𝗎 𝗑 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋 𝖥𝗅𝗎𝖿𝖿 💗

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Hello, everybody, this one-shot was requested by @MCDLS29

I hope you enjoy your request and also Kou is one of my best Bois 😔💕

Also, I'm putting PG jokes into this chapter sorry, not sorry!

Narrator's POV

There they sat on the wooden school's bench.

Kou and Y/N.

The two friends laughing and giggling at each other's jokes.

Many people would often ask them if they were lovers based on their flirty personas.

They both would get flustered and look off to the side and laugh it off saying:

"No we're just friends..." or "Haha no we both are just really good friends..."

Although Kou liked the Radish girl, he also had some feelings for the H/C haired girl too.

But could you blame him?

Y/N was stunning! Actually, scratch that she was more than just stunning!

She had beautiful H/C locks that would shine whenever the sun hit her hair, she had big E/C eyes that could outshine any shooting star, she had a B/T (Body type) figure that almost all the girls adored at Kamome Academy, her wonderful sweet personality could bring others joy from simply spending a few minutes with her presence. (BTW- y'all are freaking beautiful please don't doubt yourself because you're honestly so pretty and you just don't realize it)

But why did such a nice girl like hanging out with Kou rather than Aoi or other girls like herself?

She thought that Kou had the most nicest and sweetest soul. She also admired his looks just a little- but he was truly so dreamy!

Although they never really confessed feelings for one another, they still had a loving bond, a bond so tough I'm afraid even scissors wouldn't even be able to snip these two apart.

But today they both were getting along so well that you could probably hear them laughing from the entrance of the school.

"Okay- Okay- Okay but have you heard this one? Why do you tell actors to break a leg?" The blonde boy asked the H/C haired girl.


"...Because every play has a cast!" He said before making the girl burst out into laughter.

"Oh my gosh..." She said while holding her stomach and wiping her single tear.

"Oh, I've got one! What happens when a frog's car breaks down?"

"What happens?"

"It gets toad!" She answered while doing jazz hands.

Kou laughed a little with Y/N until somebody yelled at them.

"CAN YOU GUYS JUST SHUT UP?!? YOU'RE NOT FUNNY!!!" Some random kid called out.

Kou immediately stood up and was triggered.

"Kou-Kun it's okay just sit back down... they're just haters because they don't have as good as a friendship as we do!" Y/N said while putting her hand onto Kou's shoulder.

Kou blushed a little before sighing and sitting back down on the bench.

"But- But they were-"

"They were just hatin on us now what do you want to do now that our jokes were ruined?" She asked pridefully in kind of a southern accent.

"Ummm I don't know... we could walk to the park or we could go to one of our houses." He said while thinking out loud.

"Oh, we should go to the local tea stand!" The girl cheered.

"Oh yeah that would be fun but what kind of tea?"

"Hmm, do you like matcha or green tea?"

"I like honey tea..."

"Then honey tea it is!!" She said before grabbing his hand and running straight to the tea stand.

Kou gasped from the sudden force but later caught up to Y/N's speed and ran with her.

The two were giggling together while running past other local stands hearing the occasional:

"Hey slow down!!" or "Stop trying to injure yourselves!"

But they just ignored them just kept on running.

Their school bags flying in the wind with them.

When they finally got to the stand they both were out of breath and almost were wheezing.

The teenage worker looked concerned but just ignored her concerns and took their orders.

"Could I have (Favorite tea or if you don't like tea favorite drink)?" Y/N said while catching her breath.

"Could I have a honey-flavored tea?" Kou asked while also trying to catch his breath.

The worker nodded before adding up the amount and telling them the price.

"I'll pay for it!" Kou said in a very gentleman like way.

"Are you sure Kou-Kun I could easily pay..."

"I'm sure!" He said before reaching into his pockets and pulling out some coins and yen.

Once you both got your teas (or drinks) Y/N and Kou both thanked the worker and then looked back at each other.

Y/N kissed Kou's cheek and then smiled at him.

"Thank you for my tea/drink Kou-Kun..." She said with a soft smile.

Kou was flushed by her adorable-ness but just nodded his head and was able to mutter out a response.

"No- No problem.." He stuttered.

Y/N smiled before looking back at her drink and taking a sip.

The two ended up walking back to the school and then separated to go home.

Both smiling at their teas and thinking about one another.


Two chapters done in one day :D

I thought this was kinda cute so please take a moment to appreciate the effort I put into this

Thank you guys for the love and support again! I know I keep on repeating this but I really do appreciate all of you. 🥺💕

Also, I might make a Tsukasa x reader book!! I still need to think about the plot and everything first before I make it but I hope some of you guys might read it :)

Thank you,

-The author


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