Chapter 13

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-Ryan's POV-

I thought about what Luke had told me and decided the best person to go to was Charlie. She was an awful lot better at boys than me anyway.

"So what do you think I should do?" I ask and she purses her lips.

"Well before you do anything, just look at the obvious question; do you like him?"

"No, no. Of course I don't want to be his girlfriend or anything like that. He's just my brothers annoying friend and he always will be."

-Ashton's POV-

"No, no. Of course I don't want to be his girlfriend or anything like that. He's just my brothers annoying friend and he always will be."

For some reason I felt my heart breaking inside my chest and I couldn't help but clench my fists and bite the inside of my mouth angrily.

I don't even know why I'm being like this. I don't like Ryan, I hate Ryan.

-Ryan's POV-

"Don't just say that straight away, give your feelings for Ashton a chance, you can't just push them away like that. Think about it."

I did think about it, when she left. I went on Netflix and watched a movie to try get my mind off of everything going on but I couldn't get my mind off it.

I thought and thought until eventually I fell asleep. When I woke up, I straight away knew my feelings. I don't know how I figured it out just like that but I did. I am in love with Ashton Irwin.

-Ashton's POV-

I really hate Ryan. How could she say those things about me? Was I really that bad? I was left alone with my thoughts and I couldn't sleep. All I thought about was her. Up till this point I knew I hadn't liked her but seeing at how I reacted to that whole thing I'm starting to think differently.

Why did I care so much about her saying those things?

That question had been on my mind for a while now and I had finally figured out the answer.

I am in love with Ryan.

But I couldn't let myself fall any deeper. I didn't want to get my heart broken by 'some girl'. I know I shouldn't call her that but she did refer to me as her brothers annoying friend.

-Luke's POV-

I knocked on the door and waited for Ryan to answer.

"Hi Luke, come in." She beams at me.

"Well your in a good mood." I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "Why?"

"Life is just great Luke, just great." She says as we both sit on her bed.

"Your in love aren't you?" She blushed. "Aren't you"

"How did you know?"

"I just know Ryan, I just know."

Her eyebrows came together in confusion.

"So who is it?"

She just stood there with her arms over her chest.


"You might aswell not even ask me questions because you can pretty much read my mind."

My jaw dropped. "You like Ashton? Wow, you like Ash?"

"Please stop repeating things."

"Ashton, ashton, ashton, Ashton-"

"Stop, God Luke your so annoying." She whines.

"Ryan and Ashton sitting in a tree-"


"Doing something they shouldn't be-"


"Starts with an s, ends in an x-"

"Please shut up."

"Oh my god they're having-"

Ryan puts her hand over my mouth before I could continue my sentence.

"Sex." I mumble through her hand.

"Shut the fuck up Luke."

"You know you want it." I smirk at her as I catch her blushing.

"Stop talking before I ask you to leave."

"Oh no, I would hate if you would ask me to leave. Could you possibly be that cruel?"

"Why have you suddenly gotten so annoying."

"Sorry I'm just totally sailing on the Rashton ship."

"The what?"

"You and Ashton, your ship name, Rashton."

"That's it, I'm asking you to leave." She shakes her head, starting to push me out the door.

"Wow Ryan just dropped the bomb."

Then she slammed the door in my face and I couldn't help but just laugh to myself. She was truly weird, like Ashton.

"The Rashton ship is totally sailing." I said to myself low enough so only I could hear.


Havhdurjnrhjeknwu the Rashton ship is SAILING. I know Rashton sounds kinda stupid but it's the best there is because when I'm picking characters names I always choose the most difficult. By the way I'm really sorry I haven't updated in like 5ever but I was working on four and I've gotten a lot of the first chapter written and it should be up tomorrow.



As said in previous chapters, this book is being edited, changed and rewritten. This is just a note to say that this chapter has been updated.

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