1: Lyrics

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A/N: "Would you be so kind" has been in my head and I've linked the song with my personal life sooo yeah. Also this song is a full bop. I've never written based off a song/with song lyrics so this will be interesting lol.
Ship: Analogical
Story type: Fluff

3rd Person POV
Virgil had a song stuck in his head all day. As he thought about the song the more he thought about Logan. He grabbed his ukulele and delicately put his fingers over the strings and started strumming it with his other hand. He sang quietly, softly.

I have a question.
It might seem strange
How are you lungs?
Are they in pain?

He started to become more comfortable and sang louder, forgetting everything surrounding him and drowning himself into the music.

'Cause mine are aching
Think I know why
I kinda like it though
You wanna try

Virgil chuckled to himself lightly, Logan would've corrected the lyrics to be 'proper English'.

Oh, would you be so kind
As to fall in love with me
You see, I'm trying
I know you know that I like you
But that's not enough
So if you will
Please fall in love

He looked down at his ukulele, silently hoping that Logan would hear this and know it's about him even if he wasn't in the house at the moment. He hoped that he wouldn't need to explain anything and he could not overthink it.

I think it's only fair
There's gotta be some butterflies somewhere, wanna share?
Cause I like you but that's not enough
So if you will
Please fall in love

Virgil kept thinking about Logan when singing the song. He couldn't help it. He's loved him for so long and he didn't want to tell him since, well, he's anxiety and since Logan isn't the best when it comes to "icky complicated human emotions" as he calls them.

Let's write a story, be in my book
You've gotta join me on my page
At least take a look

Writing was always one of Virgil's favourite things to do. It helped him with his emotions, mainly his anxiety. The only person who knows about this is.. well.. Logan. Virgil physically shook his head. He focused on his fingers on the ukulele, carefully changing where they were and playing it to create a lovely tune.

Oh, where are your manners?
You need some time?
Let's swap chests today
That might help you decide

"Everyone needs time" Virgil thought to himself. He's waited so long to confess, his feelings towards the logical trait only skyrocketed yet he still hasn't told him. He was scared of rejection. He could ruin their friendship and that's the last thing he wanted to do. (Me with my crush right now lmao)

Oh, would you be so kind
As to fall in love with me
You see I'm trying
I know you know that I like you
But that's not enough
So if you will
Please fall in love
I think it's only fair
There's gotta be some butterflies somewhere, wanna share?
'Cause I like you but that's not enough
So if you will
Please fall in love with me~

Virgil closed his eyes and focused only on the music that has flowed all around the room. He sang beautifully while sitting on the couch. Everyone except him went out for a bit, so no one would hear him unless they arrived early which usually doesn't happen since Patton always wants to visit the animal shelter and always asks them to get cookies.

Oh, do me a favour. Can your heart rate rise a little? (X3)
Oh, do me a favour

Virgil didn't mind repeating those two lines over. He wanted Logan's heart rate to rise just like his did whenever they were close together. He wanted Logan to blush whenever they accidentally touched hands, or when they had little moments with each other.

Oh, would you be so kind
As to fall in love with me
You see, I'm trying
I know you know that I like you
But that's not enough
So if you will
Please fall in love

He was smiling as he was singing, he felt like all of his emotions weren't being bottled up anymore. It was, refreshing.

I thinks it's only fair
There's gotta be some butterflies somewhere, wanna share?
'Cause I like you but that's not enough
So if you will
Please fall in love
Oh, I like you but that's not enough
So if you will
Please fall in love with me

As soon as he stopped and leaned his ukulele on the coffee table he heard someone clapping. Patton was the one applauding him. Roman and Thomas just stood there, surprised. Logan was also simply standing there. Showing more emotion than his usual stoic expression. He was.. smiling. Not a smirk but a genuine smile.

Virgil buried himself in his hoodie. His whole face, including his ears turned red. Logan sat next to him, and put his arm on Virgil's shoulder in an attempt to calm him down. It worked partially but now Virgil was somehow blushing more because of the contact. Without thinking Virgil wrapped both of his arms around Logan. Logan froze, not knowing what to do. He slowly wrapped his arms around Virgil and they stayed like that for a bit.

Roman spoke up "So, who was the song for?"

He wriggled his eyebrows, knowing that Virgil had a crush, but he didn't know who it was.

"No one!" He snapped quickly, burying his face into Logan's chest subconsciously.

"Sure~ it isn't"

"Hey don't tease him about it" added in Thomas.

"But it's obviously for someone, and I wanna now who. I already know that he likes someone and I'm curious!" Roman suddenly realized what he said. "Oops, I wasn't meant to tell anyone that"

"It's fine Princey" Virgil finally spoke up, letting go of Logan and taking a few steps back so they could have some space.

His eyeshadow was ever so slightly smudged. Roman sighed out in relief but now everyone, whether they admitted it or not, wanted to know who it was.

"If you don't mind" Patton started "Who is it? If you don't want to say that's fine" He was curious. He wanted the best for his son.

"It's.. uh, well, it's" He was fidgeting with his fingers and looking down at his feet.

Logan was looking at him with a glimpse of emotion.. curiosity? Sadness? Virgil couldn't pin point it.

"Well, it's uh"

Thomas spoke up "You don't have to say. You could just kiss him or something" he winked at Virgil.

He rolled his eyes. "I mean.. I could" he mumbled. Virgil turned to face everyone. Was Logan blushing?

Virgil snapped out of his thoughts. It was now or never. He walked up to Logan, tippy toed and kissed his cheek softly. Patton squealed as well as Roman. Thomas smiled to himself and Logan was a blushing mess

"V-Virgil, uh, the feelings mutual" he whispered, not wanting the others to hear him stutter. "May I kiss you?" He asked. Virgil nodded and they shared a kiss. Both of their lips were soft. They were blushing like crazy but they didn't care. They could feel each other smiling into the kiss. Only to break apart for air.

Word count: 1233
I hope you have enjoyed the story! Also I'm gonna hopefully update this at least once a week. However I respect all ships! PEACE OUT!

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