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Mindy was at the Vincent's household wanting to be with Dory because the two women had quite a bond between them, an hour earlier Sam came to join her as they planned on sleeping over. Dory was more than happy to have her children, as she likes to describe them, stay over and maybe she could also get more information on that girl Raven. 

She was in the kitchen preparing smoothies for everyone, in the other room Auden and Sam was shouting at each other over another game round. As for Mindy, she was on the carpeted floor getting some homework done to save some time, for she was already with her iPad and some notes since she came straight from school. To be totally frank with you, she was thinking on what's going on between Daniel and Raven. The other day they seemed quite... comfortable with each other as if they were dating or something-

"Oh My God!" She slowly looks at the boys and they briefly look at her and back to their game. "Guys do you think Danny and Rae are finally dating?" She asks definitely hoping that they were actually dating, meanwhile being clueless of the actual fact about her two dear friends.

For a moment, the boys had a rush of guilt cross over their flesh as they knew exactly that Raven and Daniel were a recent cause. Should they tell her or should they keep this information to themselves? They were in the middle of a decision making mentally while still holding their game controller.

"Guys like I'm not kidding this whole date thing was fishy, it's as if he's dating her or he asked her out on that night! O-M-G!" She started getting really excited, she then picks up her phone in a rush. The boys decided that they will just leave it as it is and Daniel and Raven will deal with it.

Mindy makes a FaceTime call to the other person she knew could think like a girl. She waits as Aiko answers the call with some type of weird face mask on, but Mindy doesn't really mind that and goes straight to the point by telling her what happened and what are her thoughts about the situation. And it goes for a solid twenty five minutes debate until Dory enters the family room with the tray of cups filled with smoothies. After Mindy's almost an hour long call, Dory comes and sits besides her determined to get as much information that she needs.

"Mindy baby why don't you tell mama how things happened between my boy and this gentle lady." 

There started another round of gossip.

"Then why y'all didn't invite her tonight?" Dory asks.

"Ma' she had the last shift at the mall and I think she had some presentation to do next week." Auden answers instead. Dory nods as she stands up and tell them to clean the kitchen and put everything back to their respective place when they're to go to sleep, as she indicates that she's tired.

They all say good night and clean the kitchen for now.

"Yo Mindy, who was that on the phone?" Auden curiously asks.

"Someone called Aiko, I met her through Rae and we immediately became friends too." She answers as she plays with Elsa, the two years old Bernese mountain dog Auden got a year ago two months after his father passed. It was a way to prevent his mother to fall into depression while he was away for university.

"Oh so she's in Toronto isn't she?" He sighs in spite of himself.

Sam looks at him suspicious and smirks while he makes eye contact with his girl and they smile.


I'm so nervous for this presentation that I lost my appetite completely this early morning, I'm more nervous because this is a group presentation and one member didn't submit her papers nor did she ever come to our group reunions the past two weeks. Well... just once and she was late. Yesterday night after my shift I checked again our submission history and hers wasn't there. Thank goodness the professor said that she never marks a group as a group, the marks are individual.

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