Chapter 3 - Lord of Wolves

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Crystal's POV:

I opened my eyes and moaned. Every part of me hurt and I soon realized why. I was lying on stone. I glanced around me and froze in almost terror. The walls and ceiling varied from blue to white and were made of ice. The floor was gray stone and I realized I was in a person's home. There was a fire pit, a bookshelf, a bed, and a small kitchen area which held all the utensils. I tried to move a growl rumbled on my belly. There I saw a white wolf. It wasn't the leader but another. She looked at me and whimpered. I slowly pulled my hand out from under the pile of blankets and petted her gently. She pushed towards my hand and whined again. Then she drew back and released a ear-piercing howl. A deeper howl answered her and I watched as a man walked throw the doorway to my left. That was the instant that I felt true terror. It was the Lord of Wolves. I suspected it was because of the white wolf who laid on my chest but now I was sure. He looked exactly the same as he had when I had seen him in the village except that he lacked his polar-bear cloak. Then I realized that it was laying on me.

“You woke up.” He said softly. His voice was deep and rich. There was a soothing affect that it had on me. I liked it.

“Yes,” I whispered. My throat hurt and I could barely talk.

“Don't talk. Here.” He walked over to the fire and filled up a bowl from a bot on the fire. “Eat. It will get your strength up.” He moved to sit on the bed and watch me with those creepy golden eyes. I was so hungry that I scarfed down the food without thought to what it might be. Only when I was done did I asked,

“What was that?” He smiled.

“Seal.” He took the bowl from my hand and set in on a counter made of ice. I heard a baying and saw seven wolves come bounding in with a kill. It was a fine looking seal. I gathered that seal was a common meal among this strange group. The wolf that had decided to sleep on me ran to the seal and they all tore into it. I watched the scene and sighed. This was strange. The Lord of Wolves served himself a bowl of soup and said,

“Now, why were you on the ice sheets?” I sighed.

“I was curious. If you don't mind I have a sore throat and would prefer not to answer questions before I am better. It would be much appreciated, Mr.-” I stopped and looked at him, uncertain of how to continue.

“Just call me Lord of Wolves. After all that is my title.” I sighed again. I didn't like that name. Surely he had a name of his own. He was human after all.

“What is your name?” He glared at me then spat,

“I just told you.” I shook my head.

“No, you told me your title. What is your name? Or do you not have one?” He scowled.

“I haven't told anyone my name in many years. I don't intend to tell you now.” He turned his back to me and I frowned.

“Please, I don't want to call you Lord of Wolves all the time. You must have a name.” He glanced back at me and I knew the inner war he was having with himself.

“Okay, it is Erik. Don't tell anyone. What is your name?” He turned away from me and I frowned. Erik. I liked the name but he didn't look like an Erikto me. But then the more I thought about it the more I liked the idea. I wanted to see more of him but I knew I would have to content with the eyes and mouth. I couldn't help but notice that he was even more fit than Norbert and I thought he was the ultimate. Truth was I didn't know what was under the seal hide clothes but by the way he moved I could guess he was pretty good looking. I shifted and groaned. The stone was hard.

“My name is Crystal. Do I have to stay here? The stone is cold.” He walked over to me and with one lift picked me and all my blankets up. I had to say that he was strong and I could feel his muscles. I couldn't help but smile up at him. He looked downright nervous. He laid me down and I relaxed immediately. It was soft and warm. I grinned up at him and it took all my energy.

“You rest, little one. You shouldn't be exerting yourself.” I laughed and asked,

“What are the names of the wolves?” He smiled and started pointing to the wolves.

“The leader is Cromwell, the one who laid on you is Titania. The rest's names are Cleopatra, Helena, Juliet, Malcolm, Romeo, and Tybalt. They are all siblings. I don't know who saved who when it came to our partnership.” I listened to him talk about his wolves and I realized what they meant to him. They were his only family. Deep down I wanted to make him welcome. My initial terror had vanished now I knew his name and the names of his wolves. It was a comforting thought.

“Well, Erik, I think I will go to sleep.” I started to close my eyes then I felt eyes on me. I looked at him and tears were hanging in his eyes.

“No one has called me Erik in years.” He said and ran out of the ice cave. I thought about that for a moment then out of pure exhaustion fell asleep.

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