Chapter 15 - My Fiancee

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Erik's POV:

I knew it might be too soon to ask that question but I didn't want to lose her. We loved each other and didn't it follow that we should marry? I was starting to shake as she just stared at me. Then she opened her month and asked,

“What is your last name?” I gave her a confused look. Why would my last name make any difference.

“DeLane.” She smiled and said,

“Erik DeLane, yes, I will marry you.” It took me a moment for the to register. I couldn't believe my luck. This perfectly beautiful woman wanted to marry me! I jumped up and spun her around.

Crystal's POV:

I gasped as he picked up and whirled around in a circle. I could see his excitement. He put me down and kissed me within an inch of my life. He hadn't ever been so bold in his kissing and let's say I wasn't slowing him down. Suddenly he stopped. I didn't know what happened and gave him a curious look.

“I think we are being spied upon. Blayne, come out of hiding.” Suddenly the boy stepped from behind a bolder.

“Why were you back there?” Erik asked him firmly. The boy smiled sheepishly.

“I woke up and you all weren't around. I came to find you. Sorry if I interrupted something.” I saw a blush creeping into his cheeks. I glared at him and Erik scowled. The boy grinned and ran back to the cave. I turned back to Erik and he hugged me close.

“Thank-you.” He whispered into my hair. I smiled against his chest. Those scars were beautiful and I ran my hands over them.

“Beautiful,” I whispered. I heard a small sob. Glancing up at him, I realized he was crying.

“What's wrong?” I wiped away the tears.

“No one ever thought I was beautiful.” I smiled and hugged him again.

“Well, now they have.” I hugged him tight and then a question started to gnaw at my mind.

“Erik, how do you know your last name?” He pulled away and laid his hands on my shoulders.

“I don't know my birth name. My adopted parents never told me. I took on their last name. After all Mother didn't want me so why should I keep her name?” I smiled and kissed him lightly on the lips.

“That is a good reason.” I grabbed his hand and dragged him back into the house.

“Why are we going inside?” He looked so handsome confused. I smiled and said,

“I am cold.” He unbuckled his cloak and threw it around my shoulders.

“That should keep you warm.” He kissed the side of my head and I blushed.

“I still want to go in.” He nodded and showed me inside. We collapsed on the couch. I snuggled close to him and said,

“When can we get married?” He looked down at me in shock.

“I don't know. We would have to fine a preacher to marry us and I don't know where I can find one.” I snuggled closer as an idea formed in my head. It would be perfect.

“Erik, didn't you say that living in the America for quite some time? And you are illegally in Canada?” Erik nodded and gave me this completely confused look. I noticed with a happy smile that he hadn't put his mask back on even though Blayne was around.

“Erik, why don't we move back to America?”


Author's Note:

Dear Readers,

Sorry it's so short but I wanted to leave it on a cliff hanger!! *evil laughter*!!!!!!


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