Chapter 11 - Wolf of My Own

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Crystal's POV:

As you might have figured out I am stubborn. So I used that against Norbert. I wanted a sled of my own. It took some arguing and some batting of the eyes to convince him but I got it. In fact I was able to take Shantell on a ride before she had to leave for America. It was a tear-filled day when she left. I was standing on my front porch and she was loading her things in the sled.

“Oh, Shantell, I will miss you so much! I want you to come see me every now and then okay? Do you promise to return if you can?” Shantell hugged me and said,

“Of course, I will. I can't leave my friend all alone in the Arctic without visiting on occasion.” Then she leaned forward and whispered in my ear, “You keep kissing Erik. One day he will come around to the fact that you love him and he loves you.” I smiled at her. She hadn't ever said a word about Erik and I to anyone. It was amazing how well she could keep a secret. I whispered in her ear,

“I will. Don't worry about me quitting. I like it too much.” We giggled then with some teary goodbyes parted. I knew exactly what I needed to do. Erik didn't know that I was learning about the dog sled and I wanted to surprise him. With Norbert taking Shantell to the airport I didn't have to worry about explaining to him where I was going. I walked outside to the run and smiled as my lead dog ran up to me. In fact, Nantucket wasn't even a dog. She was a gray wolf. I was very proud of the fact that my leader was a wolf.

“Good morning Nantucket. How are you?” I asked as I scratched behind her ears. The rest of my dog who were actually dogs were bounding at the ends of their chains. Their names were Cassiopeia, Luna, Nova, Andromeda, Draco, Rigel, and Skye. Each was a fine Canadian Eskimo Dogs. I couldn't help but be proud of my dogs. I harnessed them to the sled and took off across the ice sheets. It was a good one hour ride but I enjoyed the quietness. At last I saw the ice caves coming closer. I carefully directed the dogs toward it and was met by the wolves. Cromwell was leading his pack and at first he didn't look happy but when I called his name he howled and bowled me over, licking me to death. The rest were circling my dogs but it wasn't long before they were all friends. That was when I notice Cromwell sniffing Nantucket. I smiled to myself. Leaving the dog, I walked into Erik's home. I knew my way around very well and it wasn't long before I found myself in the living quarters. I was privy to a funny sight. Erik was sound asleep on the stone floor with Blayne nowhere to be see. I walked up to Erik and placed a feather light kiss on his masked cheek. He sprang awake with a shout. I was trying not to laugh.

“Oh, Erik, if you could have only seen the look on your face!” After I said that I started laughing hysterically. He glared and then started to laugh his head off.

“What were you thinking and-” he stopped. “How did you get here?” Now I smiled broadly.

“I don't guess.” I giggled and planted a kiss on his mask.

“Well, then come look.” He followed me and his jaw dropped when he saw my dogs.

“You mean to say that Norbert taught you how to drive a dog sled?”

“Yes! Aren't you excited? I can come see you more often. School is out right now so I am not busy. Isn't this wonderful?” I could see the complete shock in his eyes.

“Of course, this is wonderful.” He pulled me into a hug. “I am just surprised, that is all.” He kissed my lips gently. I loved it when he did that. I only wish he loved me back. It would be wonderful to have his love. But I would have to be patient. As Shantell had said he might love me. Suddenly I remembered something.

“Where is Blayne?” Erik smiled to himself.

“He is out exploring. That boy is something else. He doesn't talk much but when he does it is a torrent of words. He is an amazingly quick learner. To tell the truth I am glad I agreed to take him on. I like his company.” Erik pulled me tighter. “Why don't you bring your dogs inside? We would be warming there.” I nodded and unharnessed the dogs. They came when I called and soon Erik, I, and sixteen dogs and wolves were all packed into his living space. It was a little tight. Erik and I actually sat on the bed and left the floor for the dogs.

“What breeds is your lead dog?” Erik asked.

“Gray wolf. Her name is Nantucket.” I blushed with pride. He squeezed my hand and blushed again for a totally different reason.

“A wolf! Well, I do declare.” He kissed my cheek without a bit of hesitations. I was quite proud of him. After originally asking to kiss me he hadn't seemed nervous again. I leaned my head against his shoulder and knew he was smiling gently. I wished he would take off the mask but we couldn't run the risk of Blayne walking in on us. That led to another question.

“Erik, has Blayne seen under the mask?” Erik shook his head.

“No, and I don't intend to show him anytime soon. You accept it but I don't know what he would do. Maybe later. After all he has only been here about a month.” I understood. He was still highly sensitive about his face and I understood.

“Erik, would you tell me how you got the scars?” He looked at me with a grief-ridden glance.

“I can't. Not yet anyways. Maybe one day.”

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