Chapter 9 - Blayne

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Crystal's POV:

I walked over to the couch and sat down. Shantell sat down in a chair opposite me.

“Alright, tell me what that kiss meant?” I knew this was going to be coming. I settled in and said,

“That wasn't the first time I have kissed Erik. When he brought me back I kissed him. I don't know why he came to see me so soon but he asked me if I would kiss him again. I couldn't tell him no. I think he needed it for comfort.” Shantell raised her eyebrows.

“Tell me the truth. You like kissing him.” I almost shot out off the couch.


“You do. I could tell. And I think that you are falling in love with him even if you aren't ready to admit it. To tell the truth, I like Erik. He is mysterious which has always interested you. I know you two will go very well together. Now tell me how it felt to kiss him.” I rolled my eyes. Of course she would want to know. So I went into great detail. By the end her eyes were glowing.

“Crystal, admit it. You love Erik. Look, I know about these things. Haven't I been playing matchmaker for you since you were in high school?” It was true. She had been. What I couldn't understand was why I was taking it so quietly. I was blushing but my usual self was gone. And I finally admitted it.

“Okay, I love Erik.” And when I said it it sounded so right. It made perfect since. And now I realized I was likely setting myself up for a heartbreak. “But that doesn't help. I am only going to get my heart broken if he doesn't love me back. So what good does it do?” Shantell gave me the “really” look and I said, “What was that for?”

“Crystal, you really think that a guy would kiss you if he didn't feel something towards you. I mean, I understand if it was the Casanova of the collage or something but this guy knows about heartbreak and I highly doubt he would use you like that. To think, that if coming to the arctic can get you a husband!” That is when I was shocked.

“Are you saying that you expect us to get married?!” Shantell laughed.

“Of course, isn't that what people who are in love do? Last time I thought about it that was the truth.” I sat there in shock. Spending the rest of my life with Erik didn't seem like such a bad option. I loved him after all. He was a nice guy and friendly. I could see myself at his side for the rest of my life. I stared into the fire and wondered if I meant to him what he meant to me. Shantell seemed to understand that I was having a battle with myself so she left me alone. She might be a little crazy about romance and that sort of thing but she knew when to leave well enough alone. I sat staring at the fire for a little longer then began to get ready to go to bed. I was about to lay down on the couch when I heard some scuffling by the side of the house. I tried to go to sleep but those little noises happened every now and then. I was curious. Pulling on my robe I stepped outside into the cold. I walked around to the house and saw something huddling in the shadows.

“Come out. I won't hurt you.” A small boy crawled from the shadows. He wasn't older than ten and not dressed for this weather. A torn tee-shirt draped around his skinny body and a pair of ripped shorts barely covered his legs. He was covered in ash and his hair was matted. I moved toward him and he drew away.

“Easy, I won't hurt you. What is your name?” He looked at me suspiciously.

“Blayne.” He said. I gave him a gentle smile.

“I am Crystal. You look cold. Why don't you come in?” He glanced around and nodded. I took his hand and my hand almost froze on contact. He was freezing. I wouldn't be surprised if he had a minor case of hypothermia. I led him into the house and sat him on the floor in front of the fire. I got him a bowl of some hot soup and handed it to him. He ate it like was starved. I also took note that he needed a bath. But it was too late to get into that.

“Blayne, this is your bed.” I gestured to a blanket I had laid in front of the fire. “It is as good as I can do tonight. Tomorrow, after a bath I will get you a better place to sleep. Is that okay?” He nodded and laid down. I couldn't imagine why the boy was here or why he was so scared of humans. Both of us were asleep in a matter of minutes.

I woke up some six hours later and saw that everyone was still sleeping. Shantell was snoring in fact. I started on breakfast. I was determined to make something more than cereal for my guests. Well, I ended up with some hot oatmeal. That would have to do. I woke Shantell and informed her of the situation. I then woke Blayne and we ate. After that he took a bath and we sat down to have a talk.

“Blayne, we need to talk.”

“Please, Ms. Crystal and Ms. Shantell, I don't want to talk.” He was scared and I could tell.

“We need to know where your parents are?”

“Don't have any. They were killed by a bear.” I thought as much. He was a native and I doubted that he would've just run away.

“Well, do you have any relatives?”

“Uncle and Aunt in Ontario. I won't go though. I visited them once. I hate them. They aren't nice. I ran away because I won't go. I won't leave here.” The boy was getting worked up and I quickly calmed him. I understood what he was talking about. I had to live with my grandparents when my parents died and it had been a frightening three years.

“Don't worry. We won't send you to them. But there is a problem. You can't live here. I will harbor you but I don't know if anyone else will.” I stared into the fire. There had to be somewhere the boy could go. Then a small smile crept across my face.

“Crystal, what are you thinking?” Shantell sounded suspicious. My idea was truly a wonderful.

“What if he stayed with Erik? He could use the company and he could teach the boy to live on his own. He could raise him and I could teach him. I am a teacher after all. How does that sound?” Shantell raised her eyebrows. For once our positions had been changed. She was always the one with the wild ideas and I was the one who raised my eyebrows. After a moment she shrugged her shoulders.

“Why not?”

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