Chapter 10 - Company for Erik

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Crystal's POV:

Shantell and I had come to a decision. We would ask Erik next time he came to see us. We told Blayne almost nothing about who he was going to be staying with. All he knew was that there was a guy who was are friend and he was lonely. That he wore a mask or was the Lord of Wolves we didn't tell him. Erik didn't return for three days. In that time I gathered some books I thought he might find interesting. They were mostly on science. I hoped he would like them. It was midnight on the third day after Blayne's arrival and I heard the sound of pounding paws. I stood up and grabbed my coat.

“It's Erik. Stay here, both of you. I need to talk to him alone. I will try to get him to come inside. I don't know though. Wish me luck. Don't say a word about Blayne going with him.” I swept out the door and watched Erik's sled come closer. I hurried down the steps and as he stepped off the sled I hugged him. I looked up at him and kissed him gently. I loved this man. Now I certainly didn't have to blush when I kissed him.

“Erik, it is good to see you. Would you like to come inside? Its warmer and I thought you might like some coffee or tea. At least stay a little while.” I took his hands and pulled him towards the door. He said something to the wolves and they all laid down. I opened the door and led him into my small cottage. He glanced at Shantell and then at Blayne. I am guessing he didn't find him to intimidating because he didn't run away. He didn't like the presence of someone he didn't know but I was sure he would get to know him well.

“Erik, you know Shantell. And this is Blayne. Blayne, this is Erik, the man I have been telling you about. Now if you three would excuse me for a moment I will fix some coffee.” I gestured for Erik to sit down and walked into the kitchen section of the room and started the water to boil.

“Erik, how have things been going?” I heard Shantell asked.

“Well enough. I went hunting yesterday and all my wolves survived. Without those wolves I don't know where I would be.” There was silence until I brought back four cups. I had learned that Blayne was ten but I thought he could have coffee for a rare treat. I handed everyone their cups and placed the sugar and cream on the table. Now I had to get to the matter at hand.

“Erik, there is a reason Blayne is here.” Erik eyed the drink suspicious and then me.


“Blayne is on the run. He running away from his Aunt and Uncle who he doesn't want to stay with. I can't keep him here. I was wondering-”

“If I would take care of him.” Erik finished. He sighed and looked at the boy. He was taking this a lot better than I thought he would. “Crystal, the life I lead out there isn't easy. The ice can cave in at any moment. There are polar bears and seals. Those seals can be dangerous. I am lucky to have lived this long without many problems. The ice can break easily and sent one into the almost freezing water which would kill a person in minutes. No, it is too dangerous for a boy of his age.” I sighed. I knew he would come up with a logical answer.

“Erik, I know it is dangerous but I thought you might be able to teach the boy how to survive on his own. He has been on his own for several months now. He has common sense. I know he will survive. Please, Erik.” I begged him. I didn't like begging anyone but I was desperate. He looked at me then at Blayne. I could see in eyes a hope that he might not be alone. I knew he wanted a somewhat normal life. Blayne could keep him company. Erik looked back at me.

“There is one test he must pass. My wolves must accepted him. Come me, Blayne.” He walked out the door. Blayne followed close on his heels. Shantell and I watched from the porch as Erik told Blayne to walk up to Cromwell. The boy did so without hesitation. It was funny to see Blayne standing beside a wolf he could ride. He held out his hand Cromwell licked it. Erik smiled and said,

“Okay. He can come with me, on the understanding that he might not survive the first month. Blayne, get your stuff.” Blayne nodded and ran back into the house. In those three days we had gotten him a few clothes and some various odds and ends.

“Oh, and get those books, Blayne.” I said.

“I don't know why I am doing this.” Erik said.

“Because you have a great heart and you're lonely.” Erik smiled and kissed me gently. I enjoyed every minute of our kissing sessions and I hoped there would be many more to come. I hadn't ever had something like this happy to me before so I was basking in it whenever I can.

“I think that the last one is right but I doubt the part about having a great heart.” I laughed and hugged him. About that time Blayne came out of the house and loaded up his things in the sled. We said our goodbyes and we watched Erik leave again. Every time he left I felt a piece of me leave with him.

“Shantell, I hope Blayne and Erik get along. They need each other.” Shantell nodded and we turned to go back inside. There was nothing we could do about them.

Erik's POV:

I arrived at my home a couple hours later. I showed Blayne were he would sleep and he was soon snoring. I looked down at the boy who would now be living with me and I wondered what madness had prompted me to do such a thing. A pair of big blue eyes and red lips. A voice said in my mind. I had to admit that Crystal was the main reason I had accepted. I loved that woman and would do anything to keep that face smiling. Plus she was right. I was terribly lonely. I hadn't ever let myself think about being lonely because it hurt too much. But when Crystal had left I knew I couldn't ignore that pain any more. Now what had I gotten myself into. I pulled the blanket over the boy's shoulders and said,

“How can I raise a boy when I didn't even know my father and my mother hated me? How can I raise him when I don't know what to do?” I brushed a lock of dark hair from his face and went to bed myself. It had been a trying day. 

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